Here have more Shino theorizing

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I feel like Boat had some sort of plan for Shino. Because the fact he's named "Shino Basca" translates to stem of bamboo, anxiety/unease. Which ties in with ghosts (such as Ghostwhisper) and all that. He isn't aware of the truth of his past, if there even is a truth.

So in some way, he's "haunted" by his past, despite the fact he does not know it.

So this theory of Weirdosoup's actually makes sense. Shino has proven throughout the series that he doesn't really know himself, or why he wants to be a hero. He could come up with no real reason for it. Maybe it was because he's trying to find some sort of purpose.

I like to compare Shino to some sort of robotic figure. One that was built but never programmed to have a purpose or goal. Seemingly "unfinished."

"Shino Basca" is just a "robotic figure" or "husk" of the real Shino Basca, who was lost in the incident with his parents 10 years ago. Memory erased, no real sense of purpose or desire.

So now, Shino is trying to build a life and personality from the ground up. As his old one was lost, and became empty. Devoid of strong emotion and thought. Like a blank sheet of paper, the only words on it being in a language you don't understand.

This new life and personality involved him trying to do and experience things he believes he may have wanted to do, or dreamed of doing when he was younger. Before the incident. Go to Monarch Academy, hero licenses, friends, relationships, etc.

Going to Shino's name. Because wow his name has meanings. If Boat did this accidentally, I'd be pretty surprised. But I'm very sure that this name was chosen on purpose.

Bamboo culms (bamboo stems) are hollow. Each culm segment begins and ends with a joint called a node. The segments between are called internodes. What if this relates to Shino's memory? What if he never lost his memories, but instead, the node was severed. Cutting off memories of his past from the rest of his brain.

Also, bamboo absorbs toxic chemicals such as mercury and lead from the ground, and turns it into nutrients for itself. When bamboo dies, it won't decompose. Meaning that the chemicals it absorbs won't be released, and are instead retained in itself. So, Shino's quirk Hardlight. It absorbs light from any source, and turns it into useable energy for Shino to manipulate. This light is stored in his body, like how chemicals are stored in bamboo, even upon death. However, overuse leads to blindness. Making the light that hardlight absorbs, "toxic" in a way.

Most industrial agricultural practice involves spraying harmful pesticides and chemicals, which often seep into the ground. Damaging quality and quantity of crops. But bamboo absorbs those chemicals, therefore eliminating serious consequences, all while still providing endlessly pliable and natural material.

Once again, Shino's quirk. It absorbs light, which damages Shino's eyesight until he temporarily goes blind, all while providing "natural material" for Shino to turn into weapons.

Bamboo is also strong, yet soft. Relating to Shino being distant and sort of scary and tough from afar. But once you get to know him, he's really just a concerned (and concerning) caring figure.

Back to Shino having no sense of purpose. Do you ever notice how he's just out and about? Doing things you wouldn't really expect from him? Such as joining the sports club? Being found in random locations at night, such as on top of roofs at the school, or roaming the streets looking for gangs to bash in? He's like some sort of wanderer. It's as if he doesn't know what he's supposed to do at night, as sleep only brings him nightmares.

He's constantly tired due to his nightly wandering. Which is why I suggest he wanders around every night instead of sleeping. Of course, he does sleep. Otherwise he'd be dead. Unless he's artificial...(he isn't. I hope.)

Shino is constantly searching for something to give him meaning. He has no clear goal. He knows about the world and has good knowledge about things. But that doesn't change the fact he's so strange.

Yeah so that's that. This was written at 3 in the morning. At this point, I feel like I'm looking into it too much, but it all sort of makes sense.

Now, this is all separate from my really off course add-ons to Weirdosoup's theory. But I want to bring it up anyways.

Shino's name origin, and his origins.

Shino is of Japanese origin, while Basca is of Romanian/Spanish origins. A pretty strange pairing of origins. Either coincidence, or hinting towards Shino's origins. Most likely coincidence though.

Shino's origins however, are never told to us. So we'll just assume he carries Romanian, Spanish, Japanese, probably English, and Canadian blood. Because who knows? He's got the british accent, his name is Japanese, Romanian, AND Spanish, and he was born in Canada. I don't know anymore. Shino is confusing.

Shino's blood type is labeled as "AB." But it isn't specified whether it's negative or positive. But one thing is said about people who carry AB blood in their veins. Though it's most likely not true, because tell me how zodiac signs and blood types and all that define your personality and crap. Anyways, it's said that people who carry AB blood have strength in rationality and adaptability. Shino qualifies in both of those. Easily able to adapt to life with no sight, and most of his decisions are based on reason and logic. But their weaknesses are said to be indecision, criticalness, and forgetfulness.

"People who have blood types A, B, and AB are up to 82 percent more likely to develop cognition and memory problems."

Shino has memory problems. He occasionally falters or hesitates. Like how he hesitated to fight Kol, or how he occasionally hesitates to respond to others. Shino can also be critical sometimes. Though not a lot, as he often listens to and respects everyone's opinions and beliefs around him.

That's all of that. I feel like I'm definitely looking into it too much now and I'm just painting Shino to be devoid of any life. Most of this probably isn't true, but as Weirdosoup said, it's fun to theorize!

This was 1037 words of theorizing.

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