I have many questions about Cal. He's also concerning.

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1. What just happened? First episode, we get an intro scene of Cal walking on the side of the road in England. First of all, why is he walking on the side of the road? Walk on the sidewalk please. Second of all, how did he get to Egypt? He was walking in ENGLAND on the side of the road, and 5 seconds laters he's in EGYPT? HOW? Was it teleportation? Did he accidentally stop time and walk all the way there and resume time without even knowing it? Also, if you look at a map and find England, and trace it to Egypt, there's a lot of water in the way. How did Cal manage? And if he really did walk, how did he not die? England and Egypt are roughly 2,414 miles apart. There is no way he just walked there.

2. Cal's hair color and markings. It was made clear that Cal was born with natural mint hair and markings around his eyes, resembling eyeliner. But it isn't eyeliner. Because these things are NOT normal in the human world, how did things go for him in public and in school? Was he made fun of for it? Bullied? Stared at?

3. Cal's bandages. I don't think the bandages Cal wears are just bandages. We never really found out when he started wearing them, or why he could never take them off. But if he could never take them off, they aren't normal bandages. What Nero said about them being used to seal his powers so he couldn't use them to their full ability could be applied here. It's possible the bandages are an artifact/relic created by Khonsu. And originally were never supposed to be removable. But perhaps after Khonsu saw what Cal did in Niflheim with his abilities, he removed the bandages while Cal was asleep.

4. The Corridor of Time. Where is the Corridor of Time? How does it even function? The first time Cal was there, Khonsu was present, and there were floating hourglasses. Probably one for every timeline. Perhaps each time a timeline "breaks" the hourglass for that timeline was start to crack as the timeline breaks, and once it breaks completely, the hourglass is destroyed. Just my theory. Back to the point, time seems to function a lot differently there. The first time Cal was there, he seemed to only be there for 3 minutes. Maybe 30 for the time to make more sense. When Cal left, he found out he was actually there for 3 days. Which makes me wonder why nobody bothered to check on him. Maybe go to the Egyptian Pantheon and see if he's there? It seems a bit odd for somebody to not make a single appearance for 3 days straight. Cal's body also seems to halt when he's in the Corridor of Time. Sleep, hunger, etc, won't affect him while he's there. Once he returns to the real world, his body is in the same condition as it was before he went to the Corridor of Time. The only things that seem to affect him is aging, physical appearance, and injury. One of the times we see the Corridor of Time, it's completely empty. It's appearance changing drastically since the last time we saw it. There were no more floating hourglasses, and it just looked like a white box with a platform in the center. On this platform is where we see Khonsu, watching the last remaining hourglass in the entire Corridor of Time. This hourglass probably represented the current timeline. The one the series takes place in. Once Cal leaves, we see Khonsu look over to a corner of the Corridor of Time, where it appears to be cracking. Like my theory with the hourglasses cracking. Except since the timeline the series takes place in is breaking, the Corridor also begins to break considering the Corridor of Time also exists in that same timeline.

5. What's wrong with Khonsu? It's clear that Khonsu has some screwed up story in the series. He's canonically dead. What killed him? Possibly Set, as Set mentioned he knew Khonsu well, and the two were "partners" of sorts. Set also said, "We are your fathers." To Cal. So that's interesting. Set also said that Khonsu saw the Ouroboros, and it terrified him. Why did Khonsu create a reincarnation (Cal)? Was there any reason at all? Or is Cal just a puppet to him? Someone to do what he can't, considering he's dead. At the end of season 2, Khonsu drags Cal into the Corridor of Time to fight him. Khonsu saying Cal could never leave the Corridor of Time unless he beat him in a fight. The reason why Khonsu wanted to do this is unknown. I also haven't watched the series in a while so maybe Khonsu did mention his reason and I forgot. Maybe Khonsu needed somebody to take his place. A new Khonsu. Considering a reincarnation is the birth of a soul in a new body, it's very possible Khonsu wanted Cal to become the new Khonsu. But why?

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