I Love You - Shino x Artemis (Fluff)

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It was around 11PM. And of course, everyone at Monarch Academy was sleeping. Well, almost everybody. A single light was still on in one of the dorms. The sounds of occasional typing on a keyboard and breathing were the only sounds to be heard. 

Where were these sounds were coming from? Dorm 8 of course! To be specific, a certain glowstick's bedroom. His bedroom was illuminated by a single lamp, and the blue light of a computer screen. And the boy occupying the room was none other than Shino Basca.

A door opened. Shino turned his head to look at his visitor.

It was Artemis. Shino's boyfriend. Artemis had put on his pajamas. They were plain and simple, yet very fitting for the extravagant fashionista. However, Artemis didn't seem very happy. But he was most likely just tired. "Shino? Why aren't you sleeping?" Artemis questioned. His tone of voice was soft and gentle. But anyone could hear the curiosity in it.

Shino smiled. He turned his chair so his entire body was facing Artemis instead of just his head. "I'm just finishing some stuff." Shino replied. "What are you doing up?"

Artemis laughed softly. "I was just getting a snack. I was hungry." He answered.

Shino nodded. Artemis moved away from the door and towards Shino. He lightly kissed Shino on the cheek. Shino smiled in return, and did the same.

 "I love you." Shino whispered. Artemis giggled.

"I love you too. Get some sleep please." Artemis responded. His tone of voice was as gentle as ever. Shino adored it. It was just another factor that made him love Artemis even more.

"I will. You do the same." Shino said. He smiled again. Artemis loved it when Shino smiled. It didn't matter to him how much he smiled or how he smiled. It was just a factor that added to Shino's charm. 

Shino couldn't possibly have anyone better than Artemis. And Artemis couldn't possibly have anyone better than Shino. But better yet, neither of them wanted anyone else aside from each other.

Words: 336

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