Have some theories about Cal that an AI and I were discussing.

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Ok so this AI actually has some interesting theories after I gave it some information about Cal. I asked it about its thoughts and theories on how Cal ended up in Egypt just by walking from England.

"Given that Cal is the reincarnation of Khonsu, it's possible that his journey from England to Egypt was a result of his divine nature and powers. It's possible that Khonsu's spirit or consciousness within Cal may have guided him to Egypt or even allowed him to transcend space and time. Alternatively, Cal's journey may have been orchestrated by other divine beings or entities with an interest in Khonsu's reincarnation."

That's actually a decent theory. Especially for an AI. I'm impressed.

I then asked it what divine beings or entities could have an interest in Cal, without providing any other detail about him.

"In Egyptian mythology, the gods and goddesses often interacted with mortals and were believed to have a hand in shaping the course of human history. Therefore, it's possible that any number of divine beings or entities could have an interest in Khonsu's reincarnation as Cal.

One possibility is that other gods or goddesses from the Egyptian pantheon may have an interest in Khonsu's reincarnation. Depending on their relationship with Khonsu, they may see Cal as a valuable asset or potential threat. For example, Khonsu was the son of Amun and Mut, two powerful deities in the Egyptian pantheon, and it's possible that their interests could align with Cal's mission.

Another possibility is that divine beings from other pantheons could have an interest in Khonsu's reincarnation. In some mythologies, the gods and goddesses of different cultures were believed to interact and even merge with one another, so it's possible that Cal's story could involve entities from other mythologies."

Then, I told the AI about bloodmoon. Then asked for its theory on what he would want with Cal.

"Based on the information you provided, it seems likely that Bloodmoon, as an alternate version of Cal, would have some interest in the Cal of the timeline he now finds himself in. It's possible that Bloodmoon is seeking to eliminate the Cal of this timeline in order to prevent him from becoming a threat in the future, or to take his place and continue his quest for power.

Alternatively, Bloodmoon may see the Cal of this timeline as a potential ally or asset, either because he has some unique power or ability that Bloodmoon lacks, or because he shares some common goal or interest with Bloodmoon. However, given Bloodmoon's past actions and his reputation for destruction, it seems more likely that he would view Cal as an obstacle or potential threat.

Without more information about the specific details of this alternate timeline and the motivations and goals of Bloodmoon, it's difficult to say for certain what he might want from Cal in the current timeline."

Yeah so I'm having fun with this if you couldn't tell. I decided to ask what the AI thought Cal and Khonsu's relationship was like before giving it information on that. It gave me an interesting response.

"Given that Cal is the reincarnation of Khonsu, it's likely that there is a strong connection between the two. Depending on how Cal views and understands his divine nature, he may feel a sense of obligation or duty to fulfill the role of Khonsu in the world, or he may struggle with reconciling his mortal and divine aspects.

It's also possible that Khonsu's consciousness or spirit may still exist within Cal, influencing his thoughts and actions. Depending on how much of Khonsu's memories and personality have carried over to Cal, they may feel like separate individuals with distinct identities, or they may feel like different aspects of the same being.

Overall, the relationship between Cal and Khonsu is likely to be complex and multifaceted, shaped by both their shared past and their individual experiences and perspectives."

So then I explained the relationship and asked its thoughts again.

"Based on this new information, it's clear that their relationship is complicated and strained.

The fact that Khonsu trapped Cal in the Corridor of Time after besting him in a fight suggests that there may be some underlying power struggle or animosity between the two. Khonsu's decision to imprison Cal for five years would likely have caused a great deal of resentment and mistrust to develop between them, particularly if Cal felt that he had been unfairly treated or Khonsu was abusing his existence.

Overall, it seems clear that Cal and Khonsu's relationship is marked by a great deal of pain, resentment, and mistrust. However, it's possible that this relationship could evolve or change over time, depending on the actions and choices of both Cal and Khonsu."

I asked a bunch of stuff so I'll throw a lot of it in here. Because wow. This AI is coming up with some really interesting stuff.

I asked if it knew about Khonsu's title "Khonsu Who Lives On Hearts." This was its response.

"Khonsu who lives on hearts" has a different, more gruesome origin in Ancient Egyptian mythology. According to some ancient texts, Khonsu was said to be a devourer of hearts, who would consume the hearts of slain enemies or even deceased kings.

This practice was closely tied to Ancient Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife, which held that the heart was the seat of the soul and the center of a person's moral character. In order for a soul to enter the afterlife, the heart needed to be weighed against the feather of Ma'at, the goddess of truth and justice. If the heart was found to be heavier than the feather, it was devoured by a monster called Ammit, and the soul was condemned to eternal destruction.

Given this context, the idea of Khonsu consuming hearts takes on a symbolic significance, representing the god's power over life and death, and his ability to judge and determine the fate of souls. It also reflects the Ancient Egyptian belief in the cyclical nature of life and death, and the idea that all things must ultimately be consumed and transformed."

Then I asked about the Cleopatra ball, and Cal being trapped under some debris. Because if we're being honest, he shouldn't have escaped that with only a couple of cuts and bruises. A literal part of a stone pyramid fell on him.

"Given the severity of the impact, Cal could have sustained various injuries such as fractures, bruises, lacerations, and head trauma. Depending on the extent of his injuries, he may have also experienced internal injuries such as damage to his organs, which could be life-threatening.

Being buried under debris for a few hours could also cause additional injuries, such as cuts, bruises, and broken bones, especially if he was not able to move freely or was trapped in an awkward position."

Then I asked if he would have survived if he was a pure mortal.

"it's possible that a pure mortal may not have survived. It's important to note that being a demigod or reincarnation may provide certain advantages or healing abilities that a pure mortal would not have."

So yeah he probably would have died. I have fanfic ideas now.

So yeah this is a bunch of theories that an AI generated about Cal. I'll do one of these for Shino too.

Words: 1195

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