Some Cal theories and other stuff

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Ok. We all know Cal & Khonsu, and how Khonsu is represented as a falcon. So, I just want to go into more depth with this, and what Cal could be represented as.



Khonsu is the Egyptian God of the Moon, and marks the passage of time along with Thoth. Khonsu's name also means traveler, depicting the way the moon "travels" through the sky. So how does this relate to Khonsu being depicted as a falcon?

Falcons are travelers just like any bird. That much is obvious. However, there is more than that one reason.

Falcons are birds of prey, and are widely distributed on all continents of the world except for Antarctica. The distribution across all continents connects to the watchful eyes of Khonsu, and his ability to see each timeline, and his time manipulation powers.

The "bird of prey" part can be translated to the beliefs of his followers back in the Old Kingdom. It is said that back in the Old Kingdom, Khonsu was a terrifying and violent God, and even described as a "Blood-thirsty deity."

Supposedly, Khonsu helped kings who have died and became deified find other Gods, and then ate their hearts. Earning him the name "Khonsu who lives on hearts."

So, the falcon being a "bird of prey" translates to Khonsu preying on dead kings and feasting on hearts.

So, enough about Khonsu. Moving onto Cal. What is he depicted as?



Cal can be depicted as a raven. Simple as that. But why is this?

Well, first of all, Cal was born and raised in England. So this should be taken into consideration. England is located in Britain. And funnily enough, ravens are a big deal in Britain. So I'm gonna talk about the Ravens of the Tower of London.

The Ravens of the Tower of London are a group of 9 captive ravens in a tower. Pretty easy to figure out, considering that's practically in the name.

Since 1883, there has always been at least 1 raven captive in the tower at all times. (Hmm... Cal being the 1 raven, and the tower being the Corridor of Time? Just a thought.)

Superstitions and folklore say that this is a necessary tradition. This is because the birds protect the metaphorical Crown of the entire country.

The superstition revolving around this is "if the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it."

These birds have the most responsibility of practically any bird in Britain.

Now, to ravens in general.

We all know that Cal isn't Khonsu's son, but his reincarnation. Meaning that Cal is technically also Khonsu. Or as I like to call him, "The New Khonsu."

This is where the nature of the raven comes in, and what the raven is believed to be.

The raven, also known as "Corvus," is associated with loss and ill omen. To be honest, the raven is odd. As it can also represent prophecy and insight. (Sounds a lot like what Khonsu and Cal's time abilities are.)

Back to the main point of Khonsu, and Cal being his reincarnation.

Ravens can also symbolize death and bad fortune to come. Hinting towards Khonsu and his abusive nature to Cal, as well as what he was in the Old Kingdom, and him feasting on hearts. However, to others, ravens symbolize rebirth and starting anew, being a positive sign. This hints towards Cal being a reincarnation, meaning he's Khonsu "starting anew," and the fact that Cal in general radiates positivity and kindness towards others. Being a positive sign.

So that's pretty much it. There wasn't much to it at all actually. I do however want to talk about Cal's last name, and a few other details about him.



First, Cal's last name is Crossroads. But what does this mean?

Crossroads means "a point at which a crucial decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences."

However, this is likely not the meaning that Cal's last name holds. Cal's last name is probably the folklore meaning of Crossroads.

"a location "between the worlds" and, as such, a site where supernatural spirits can be contacted and paranormal events can take place. Symbolically, it can mean a locality where two realms touch and therefore represents liminality, a place literally "neither here nor there", "betwixt and between."

So, Cal's last name is literally just explaining the Corridor of Time.

Next, Cal's necklace. Sure it seems like an ordinary necklace, but is it really?

Cal's necklace is gold with a dark blue crescent on it. That's all his wiki page says about it after all. But there was one detail that wasn't mentioned. This detail isn't even drawn on most fanart of Cal. His necklace also has the ankh of Anubis engraved on it. The ankh itself is known as the "key of life" or "cross of life." It's an Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for "life" or "breath of life." The ankh is also closely tied to the afterlife.

The ankh was also a popular amulet which was worn in life and then taken to the grave with it's holder.

I just figured I would bring it up considering Cal seems to attract death, or danger that could end with his death. If I'm not mistaken, he even asked Nad to kill him during one of the trials in season 2. I am probably wrong on that though. Somebody fact check that. Either way, he did die during that. He didn't even stand a chance with that trial, and he definitely knew that. Cal also died when fighting Set. And it seems like he knew he would die there too. And then there was that one time in Niflheim where he did die in another timeline.

I just think it's funny that he wears a necklace with a symbol that has life as one of it's meanings, yet he always ends up dying or almost dying somehow.

Finally, Cal's Bedroom.

This one is more of just a sort of funny thing. Season 2 takes place in 2020 (Someone fact check that if possible. If nobody can find out then we assume it took place in 2020.)

So, in Cal's bedroom, there's something sitting on his desk. This thing is a radio or some crap. People still use those for music? I just think it's funny considering Cal has a phone AND a computer to listen to music with, but he chooses some old radio thing instead.

Anyways, tell me your own ideas about these things, and other creatures Cal could be depicted as! I love reading everyone else's thoughts on these ideas.

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