Ozymandias - Khonsu/C̵̯̩̕ā̷̙l̶̫̿͌ͅ

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"I met a traveler from an antique land, who said..."

Where was this? Perhaps a faint memory...but not of his own. It's a void. There is no life here aside from him.

"Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert..."

The temple of Karnak...his father was worshipped here. As well as his father's wife. Even their child. Their child...

"Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies..."

This is a statue...of who? It couldn't be his father or his father's wife...this visage looked like someone we knew. With a hand extended towards the entrance to the temple. Seemingly reaching for something far out of reach...

"Who's frown and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command..."

This was two people. This shattered visage was two people of the same DNA. Of the same soul...

"Tell that its sculptor well those passions read which yet survive..."

The sculptor was the original...wasn't he? The original Khonsu. This statue was not of him. Was it.

"Stamped on these...lifeless things."

What is this? This temple is not the same as it once was. This temple is now plagued with bygone thoughts and denial. Anger and cruelty. Blood was shed in this room. And it wasn't for a good reason.

"The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed..."

That heart did not feed. That heart was feasted on. Taken for granted and destroyed over and over. Yet that heart's host did not break. So why is it that we remember these things...the things about him. But we cannot put a name to his face? The face of an innocent life.

"And on that pedestal..."

The temple came alive. Memories and shattered hourglasses littering the room around us. He was being destroyed by him. Over and over. A cruel pastime.

"These words appear."

This was no statue. This was him. The him he could murder over and over, but never erase. His child. His reincarnation. Phasing through reality and stone, frozen in time, never eroding. Yet his name still evades us. He flickers between the old and new, before his origin takes his place.

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings."

This was Khonsu. The original and festering God. Eroding after death brought upon him by calamity. Staring down upon us with dead eyes and cynical expression. Weapon in hand, chains holding the entity of the Old Kingdom to the temple's ground. Khonsu who lives on hearts, deified beyond other Gods.

"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair."

The new Khonsu. Warden of Time and he who thrives while the old fades. Of misery and woe, one sharp as knives and the other sealed in stone. One deceased now, and the other doomed to die upon loss.

"Nothing beside remains."

His name written out in blood on the walls, his figure once more standing on the pedestal, searching for escape. Even if he already knows he cannot.

"Round the decay of that colossal wreck..."

Nobody speaks of the damned God anymore. Nobody praises him or prays to him anymore. Nobody asks him for more time anymore.

Nobody looks up to the moon and see him anymore.

Instead, they speak of the young and new.

They praise him and pray to him.

They look to him for more time. For family and for happiness.

They look up to the moon and see him.

"Boundless and bare."

Out with the old and in with the new. That has always been the saying, hasn't it? The Old Khonsu stares at dusk. While the New Khonsu should gaze upon dawn. But cannot.

"The lone and level sands..."

Jealousy overtook the other. He knew he was stronger. He was better. He should be the one in the spotlight. He was the God of the moon. A child that of a newborn to other Gods was nothing compared to him.

So he sealed him away in the temple that used to be his. The weak must be destroyed so the strong can thrive. Khonsu will thrive, and the new shall die by his hand.

"Stretch far away."

Callum Crossroads shall never see Dawn nor Dusk, ever again.


So, I was doing some thinking about Khonsu and Cal and all that, and this is the result. I kept thinking to myself, "what if Cal was never locked in the Corridor of Time? What if Khonsu did something else to him instead?"

So this is what happened. I came up with a plot where Khonsu was jealous of Cal because he's alive and thriving, while Khonsu himself, isn't. I thought that since Cal was his reincarnation, that makes Cal the "New Khonsu" and the original Khonsu the "Old Khonsu."

And we all know at some point, dead things start decaying, and other things erode. So I decided the reason why Khonsu is a "festering God" is because of his jealousy and hatred towards Cal. Khonsu wanted to remain the supreme God. So he challenged Cal to a fight in the Temple of Karnak. Specifically, a vast room in the temple dedicated to Khonsu. In the center of this room, is a pedestal. Like the one we see the one last hourglass and Khonsu standing on in the corridor. So, Cal lost this fight, and Khonsu killed him. Khonsu then repeated to kill him and revive him just to do it again. Literally just for the satisfaction of destroying the thing he hates and proving he's strongest of the two.

Eventually, Khonsu left Cal inside the Temple of Karnak, standing on the pedestal. Then Khonsu creates a gate, and begins to close it forever. Intending to lock Cal in the dark, so he can take Khonsu's place as the forgotten. Cal reaches his hand out towards the gate, but finds he can't leave the pedestal. Eventually, he becomes encased in stone. His name, lost to time.

The "we" and "us" that are used throughout this story is a group of people close to Cal. Xylo, Lychee, Ricarro, Momiji, Inpu, Nad. The backstory of this story, took place in the finale of season 2. 5 years passed, and now everybody is searching for those artifacts in the prophecy from Atlantis. This group goes to the Temple of Karnak hoping to find something, and they do. But it isn't an artifact.

It's Cal.

Don't worry though, they find a way to free him. It only takes them about 3 months, and unfortunately, the help of Set. Should this be a separate story that I won't forget about?


Words: 1048

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