I think my bedroom is haunted. Idk

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So, uh. Last night I heard some freaky stuff. I can list it here.

An aggressive thump hitting the roof. It was loud too.

Out of fear (yes I'm a coward) I went to my closet and stayed there for around 2 hours.

While I was in my closet, I heard odd noises. Like floorboards creaking.

I also heard noises similar to when somebody picks up an object and fumbles with it in their hands

I heard thumping in the attic, right above my closet.

The noises stopped around 1:40 in the morning, and I came out of my closet. Still paranoid about it.

AND NOW. Just so you know, its 3:23 in the morning as I'm writing this. But I heard the stuff again, but this time it seemed worse.

I heard a small thump on the roof again, around 2:00 in the morning.

Around 30 minutes later, I don't know why but I decided to go into the closet again.

A friend texted, saying they felt sick, and they also felt like they were gonna throw up. Odd timing hm?

The moment I went into the closet and shut the door, I heard noises in my bedroom.

I got some of the noises on video, but they are hardly heard. I won't show the video for privacy reasons.

It was getting close to 3 in the morning, and I was nervous, as the noises seemed like they were getting louder.

I finally got the courage to bolt out of the closet and out of my room, deciding to go to my Aunt's room for the night.

The moment I left my room, my stomach tensed, and it felt like cramps. I ended up standing outside of my Aunt's room for 5 minutes waiting for it to go away.

I entered the room and told my Aunt. She let me stay for the night.

I'm not crazy because the second I left my room to go into another, the noises stopped completely. Coincidence? Idk. My friend also heard the odd noises when I sent them the video. So I'm not crazy.

NOW, please don't think I have to call somebody or something if thats what you're thinking. Nobody needs to be super involved in this. If it gets to the point I feel something breathe down my neck, and I see something VERY unusual, I'm not going to call any professional or anyone at all. I just feel safer when telling people about this stuff because it eases my fear. Maybe its all a coincidence. Who knows. I'm a very paranoid and cautious person, so this kind of stuff freaks me out. It could've been a mouse in the wall for all I know, and the stomach cramp thing could just be a thing that every female experiences. I'm sure all females know what I'm referring to. But it could also have been out of fear.

So, out of curiosity, have any of you had similar experiences? Just wanna know if I'm the only one who has heard this kind of stuff.

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