Dream Hostage - Cal

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WARNING! A character does put an end to themself in this. They aren't truly gone though, I promise. I tried to keep it as vague and not detailed as possible to avoid triggering anyone. And I'm so sorry if it does. I did put 2 bold lines down to mark where this happens. Please skip it if you aren't comfortable with reading it.


Cal was barely even awake when Davis knocked on his door, yelling something about going on an adventure together. Yet Cal still opened the door.

"Yo neigh-bro! Onsen!" Davis shouted. What a strange thing to say considering it's 7 in the morning.

Cal looked at him for a moment, before seeing a small red figure standing behind him. Ricarro was also in on this?

"Uh...I haven't been before..." Cal replied.

Davis rolled his eyes, a grin on his face. He grabbed Cal by the arm before tugging him out the door and dragging him out of the Egyptian Pantheon, Ricarro trailing behind. Cal turned his head to look at the boy. Son of Set...he didn't seem like it. This innocent boy is the son of the God of chaos and calamity? Nobody would believe that, but it's true.

"You don't have to get in the water with us! You can just sit nearby!" Ricarro said. There was something about him. Almost anything he said always had a burst of excitement and energy to it.

Soon enough, Cal was doing just that. He was standing near the wall close to the water, but refused to join Davis and Ricarro. He enjoyed being in their company though. They spoke for a while, occasionally directing jokes towards each other and calling each other out. Ricarro often teasing Davis about his crush on Mania, and Davis teasing him back about Ricarro's crush on Momiji. With Cal stifling his laughter while the two bickered.

But there was one time he couldn't stifle it, and Davis heard. Ricarro laughed with him.

"See? He agrees with me! You like Mania and have no idea how to say it to her!" Ricarro teased.

"Oh you...that's it! If you won't come in the water with us, the water will come to you!" Davis exclaimed.

And with that, he splashed water in Cal's face. When Cal closed his eyes to prevent the water from getting to them, he opened them again, and found himself standing in his bedroom door once more.

"What...?" Cal mumbled. What just happened? He could've sworn he was at the onsen.

"Didn't you hear me? Onsen! Let's go!" Davis said as he grabbed Cal by the arm.

Didn't this just happen?

Now he's being led to the onsen. Now he's at the onsen, listening to Davis and Ricarro tease each other about their inability to tell their crushes they like them. And Cal is laughing at Davis again. Now the water is being flung at his face.

Back at his bedroom door. Cal didn't understand. He doesn't understand. Why is he back here again? This happened already.

"Hey! You listening?" Davis asked. Cal looked up from the floor, trying to hide his confusion.

"We're gonna go the onsen! You can come with us!" Ricarro said.

Now he's being dragged by the arm again. Now he's at the onsen again. Listening to the same thing Davis and Ricarro already teased each other about 2 times already. But this time he isn't laughing. He's thinking.

Why is this happening? What's happening?

He interrupts the conversation.

"Haven't we already come here and talked about this? Twice?" Cal asked. He was looking at the two now, a sliver of fear visible in his eye and aura.

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