Chiro - Shino

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When Shino woke up this morning, he did what he usually did. No problem there.

But it was when he was making breakfast for Rikku and Artemis that something happened.

It was a strange feeling. Like something was occasionally touching or grabbing his arms or legs.

It was sort of weird, but Shino ignored it.


He was walking to class when he felt it again. Something had grabbed his leg and pulled him backwards. Thankfully, nobody was in the hall at the moment. So he wasn't embarrassed about it.

It was still weird though...


The frequency of this happening kept changing. Sometimes it would rarely happen, and other times it would occur more times than Shino could count.

He was considering telling someone, but whoever he told would probably make a big deal out of it.

It really wasn't that bad.

Shino shouldn't have thought that.


They were doing training against the teachers today. Just Shino's luck.

The one day the weird feeling he had acted up more than usual, is the day all the students in both 1-A and 1-B fight the teachers for an exam. Shino was already betting he'd fail because of the distraction.

Oh, and he was teamed with Kiyo, Yuki, and Mania. Against Ronin.

This was bound to go just great.

Not that he had anything against the three. But he didn't really know them well. He's mutual friends with Kiyo, and surprisingly managed to stay off his "shit list" as Kiyo liked to call it. He had spoken with Mania at the police station, and her dad unfortunately. Conversations with him were pretty awkward. But Yuki? Last time Shino talked to her, she was chasing him around trying to fight him because he threw insults at her so they would pass an exam.

Shino hesitated for a moment before putting on his mask.

He shouldn't have done that.


Mania was down. Ronin incapacitated her. Shino was already betting they would lose. He wasn't very equipped to fight Ronin. Neither were Yuki or Kiyo.

The feeling spiked as Shino dodged one of Ronin's attacks.

Yeah. They definitely weren't winning now.

Shino's mask felt suffocating. Like he couldn't breathe with it on anymore.

But of course he couldn't move his hands up to take it off.


This wasn't a feeling was it. No. Unless Shino was delusional, this was real.

Pale and ghostly hands came from the ground. The flesh felt more like cold marble than actual flesh. Marble. Like a coffin.

Like the coffins his parents were laid in.

They grabbed at his legs and arms. They wouldn't let go. If anything, their grip only tightened.

The area around Shino grew darker as his vision swayed. He was being suffocated, wasn't he?

He wondered if anyone else could see this. Or if Ronin incapacitated him earlier and now he's just dreaming.

Or he was delusional. That was viable too.

It was weird how calm Shino's thoughts seemed. Despite the fact he was freaking out, he should be fine.

It isn't real.




Shino couldn't see anything now. Even if he decided to squeeze his eyes shut a few seconds earlier, he wouldn't be able to see if he opened them.

It was horrid. Phantom-like hands kept appearing from the dark void below him, ripping themselves from shadowy chains.

All he could hear was whispers. So many voices overlapping at didn't even sound like english anymore.

Everything was a lost cause.

It's all hopeless.

Shino felt like he was going to fall on his knees.

Maybe wherever these things came from, they're taking him back with them.

Returning to their sender.

A hand grasped his mask. Shino felt it.

It felt like a piece of his soul was annihilated.

Why is this happening?

Why can't he keep his eyes closed forever?

Why does he have to look at their sender?

Why does he have to look at her?

Why her...?


It was all a lost cause.

It was all hopeless.

Nothing mattered anymore.

The world didn't matter anymore.

Meaning didn't matter anymore.

He was pulled into the void.






What was I created for?


What was I supposed to do for you?


If you're still my ▊▊▊▊▊▊,


Please, answer.


The word "Chiro" means "of the hands" or just "hands."

So I thought that'd be a fun thing to do. It works with Shino & Eldritch horror really well too! 

Anyways, it should be pretty obvious who or what  ▊▊▊▊▊▊ is. But leave your guesses in the comments!

Next fanfic, An Alternate Ending.

Words: 698

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