1:The Fairies

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3rd person P.O.V

Fairies- everyone has different views on how they look like. Most people imagine them to be pretty, small creature with Butterfly wings, a lot of times carrying a wand. One would mostly think of Tinkerbell-like creature when they say "Fairy".

But contradictory to the popular belief, they were creatures who were just as tall as a human, but insanely handsome and hot. Not with those small, colourful butterfly wings, but large, sleek black wings, more like an eagle's.

Black Swan Fairy.

Is what they call themselves.

Park Hojin (박호진) and Park Jimin (박지민) were two such Fairies, they were twins, both alpha- mals, although they were non- identical, both had large, black wings, and mostly wore dark-coloured clothes to match with their wings. They had almost identical, Hetrochrome eyes. With Jimin having his left iris blue and right one gray, and it was the opposite for Hojin.

They lived together in a small cottage in the middle of Bora Soop (보라 숲) aka the Purple Forest.

The forest itself was a beautiful place, with many different magical trees. A lot of them bearing purple flowers, or shades of purple, thus giving the forest it's name. Many magical creatures dwelled in the forest- from beautiful ones like Unicorns and Phoenixes, to ferocious ones like Werewolves, Penchapenchi, and Dragons and many more like Thestral, Kappas, Hippogriffs, Acromantuala, Vampires, Trolls, Griffins, mermaids and many, many, more.

Jimin and Hojin often spent their time taking care of the magical creatures, including their pet unicorn, Ki-ru(키루) and their Dragon, U-Ro (우로). Or collecting Fruits and vegetables to eat, or hunting animals for meat.

When they were not doing any of these, they would be enjoying just flying up in the air, among the clouds. Soaring in the sky as if they owned it.





With that both got to the starting point.

"Hana-dul-set" with that they both sped off towards the end of the lake.




Hojin was sure that he would win, like usual, as he was way forward compared to Jimin. But then his sharp, eagle-like eyes caught something near a large tree.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Okay, I shouldn't have come to the Bora Soop alone with only a sword. I really wanted to explore the forest ever since I was young, cause it just seems too mysterious and amazing to me.

But looks like it'll cost me my life!

I had come across a really large spider that was creepy af, and looked like it wanted to eat me, it kept attacking me but luckily I was finally able to beat it , though it gave me serious bruises.

But then I came across this another creature near the lake. It looked like a monkey or something, but it had fish scales, and it had a hollow head filled with water. I think it's a "Kappa", the Japanese water demon. But I thought it was just a myth?

It started chasing me. I tried attacking it with my sword but it just pulled the sword from my hand and scratched me, making a deep cut down my stomach. Then I started running away from it when I tripped on rock and fell down hard. I think I broke my ankle cause I felt a gut-wrenching pain in my ankle and heard a crack. The Kappa was coming closer and closer. I closed my eyes and prepared for impact.

Black Swan (J.J.K x Malereader)[ONGOING]Where stories live. Discover now