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Notice: This is my first time writing a Character X Reader book so constructive criticism is welcomed! If there are any spelling or grammatical mistakes, please tell me.  

Also, there is no smut. I don't even know how to write it

SINCE this is my first Character X Reader fic, things might get, i dunno, sloppy? This may not really have a stable and clear plot, since this'll be a learning experience for me

Y/n here is a girl, but you can change the pronouns if you'd like to :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Genshin Impact

Disclaimer: I do not own Genshin Impact

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*Third Person POV*

".....Where the hell is that idiot? Usually, he isn't this late" Y/n said, waiting at the Kushikatsu place Heizou told her to wait for him at

All of a sudden, Heizou told her to meet him there at 10 pm, but he hasn't showed up until now.

Where was he? No clue.

Why did he tell her to meet up with him? No clue.

What is even on that boy's mind? No damn clue.

He probably got caught up in another case and forgot all about their little meeting.

Y/n could've been in the comfort of her bed, but nooooo. That stupid detective had to ruin it all.

She huffed and stood up, "You know what? I'm out of here"

"My? Where do you think you're going?"

Heizou spoke up, coming out of nowhere which caused Y/n to flinch. He giggled at her reaction and gave her a slight smile.

"Did I keep you waiting too long, Y/n?"

"You're an hour late, sir." She deadpanned at the magenta haired male who grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the seat.

"Sorry about that-"

"What are you hiding behind your back?"


"Heizou, I might be blind, but not THAT blind." Y/n simply stated, wiping that smug look off his face. 

But unfortunately, he was wearing another, smaller smug look

"Really~? Well here you go!" Heizou giggled then showed her the (f/a) he was hiding

"Huh-?" She asked, completely confused and lost

"Are you seriously that dumbfounded?" Heizou deadpanned at his surprisingly stupid best friend 

"I'm sorry, what's the occasion?" She asked once more, petting her new (f/a) in deep confusion

"It's your birthday, dumbass!" the young detective deadpanned at Y/n as a irk mark grew on his head

"IT IS??"

".....This is going to take a while"

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