Chapter 10- Sweet Talking

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I think I just wanna get to a certain part in the story then my motivation will just

I think I just wanna get to a certain part in the story then my motivation will just

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I def wasn't struggling to find a way to begin this chapter-

*Third Person POV*

"Heizou, there you are!" M/n called out as Heizou was talking to Aoi

"Mrs. L/n, what are you doing here?" 

"I came to visit my daughter, but I found you on my way there" M/n said then her eyes trailed off to Heizou's hands. He was holding Naku weed, "Heizou, are you-"

"It's fine, Mrs. L/n! Y/n is a dear companion to me, it's only natural for me to help provide the doctor with the ingredients for her medicine" Heizou laughed sheepishly, waving his hands in front of his face

M/n's face dropped, "Let's go visit her together, shall we?"


The two proceeded to walk to the doctor's house in pin-drop silence. It was so tense, and suffocating. M/n normally would talk to Heizou about Y/n, but now she wished she could talk about anything BUT Y/n.

Accepting that commission was a horrible idea.

Sure, Y/n may have helped save many people's lives by sealing away the tatarigami on Yashiori Island, but at what cost? Her dying?

"Heizou, do you love my daughter?"

"Eh? What brought up that question all of a sudden?" Heizou giggled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck

"Do you?" M/n asked then Heizou's face dropped

"...What good will my answer do?"

"Nothing, but I want to know" 

Heizou sighed, "No, I don't love Y/n"

"Is that so?"

"She is just my best friend-"

"Yep, you're lying."


"IF she was JUST a friend, then you would've gotten rid of that ring hanging from your necklace" M/n stated. Heizou immediately looked away from her with a face as red as a tomato

"It's because it reminds me of her-"

"That just proves my point" M/n giggled. They were in front of the doctor's house, Heizou knocked on the door and in a few moments, the doctor opened the door.

"Oh! Hello there, Mr. Shikanoin and Mrs. L/n, I didn't expect you to visit today" The doctor said with a small smile on her face

"We're sorry for coming on such short notice, but how is Y/n doing?" M/n asked then the doctor sighed and scratched her head

"Well, the medicine takes a very large amount of Naku Weed to make, but thanks to Mr. Shikanoin, who has been supplying me with the appropriate amount of Naku weed daily, I can make her medicine"

"When can she get out of bed?" Heizou asked

"If her condition doesn't get worse, which I highly doubt, she will get better within a month from now" The doctor said then Heizou sighed

"A month, eh?"

"Thank you doc for looking after her for us" M/n bowed in a thankful manner then the doctor giggled

"No no, it's fine. It's my pleasure to help"

"Speaking of medicine, is Yasumoto not back from Yashiori Island yet?" M/n asked then the doctor's face dropped

"No...My husband isn't back yet"

"Don't be so sad, he'll be back soon, especially if he has such a beautiful wife waiting for him" Heizou smiled 

"You're such a sweet-talker, Mr. Shikanoin." The doctor stated as Heizou giggled

"Well, see you tomorrow doc" Heizou smiled as he walked away along with M/n


Hi i have returned with a chapter in hand, I hope you enjoyed it my dear frogs.

Hi i have returned with a chapter in hand, I hope you enjoyed it my dear frogs

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Also, here is my UID in case anyone wants to add me, I play on NA. I'm a lonely soul so pls come join sometimes

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