Chapter 1- Stargazing

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* Third Person POV*

It was a starry night.

Heizou and Y/n went stargazing on top of Tenshukaku and to say the least, the scenery was absolutely stunning.

Heizou and Y/n went stargazing on top of Tenshukaku and to say the least, the scenery was absolutely stunning

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(ngl i expected the scenery to be better)

She gazed at the stars and buildings that were glimmering across the night below her, mesmerized at how beautifully the stars were dancing in the dark night sky. Heizou, however, was more interested in something else.

Y/n reached out her hand to the sky, feeling the cool wind blowing her way. She couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably.

"Heizou, imagine if you could touch the stars...That would be a dr-"

"You look so stupid right now" Heizou gave Y/n a mocking look while trying his best to cover his laugh.

She huffed and grew an irk mark and angrily looked at him,"At least I don't sleep looking like I have my eyes open"


(you can't deny it)

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(you can't deny it)

She sighed then gently petted her new pet that Heizou gifted her as it cuddled into her lap. It let out a small yawn before the dumbass next to Y/n snatched her away and held her up like simba.

"What the hell are you doing to her?" Y/n deadpanned at her best friend who layed on his back and started petting the (f/a) who was sitting on his chest.

"Does she have a name yet?" Heizou asked as he gave her pet a kiss on its head.

"No not yet, I don't know what to name her" She mumbled as Heizou looked at her, but he seemed lost in thought.

"How about dandelion?" He suggested and gave the (f/a) another kiss on its head.

"No." Y/n hit Heizou on his head and let out a huff.

"Whaaa? Aren't you a mondstader? You should like dandelions!" He stated with a tint of pain in his voice.

"Me being a mondstader is exactly why I don't want to name her dandelion" Y/n sighed and snatched her pet from the hands of that lavender melon.

"Then you suggest, big brain" Heizou pouted, sitting up properly then resting his face in his palm.

"Heiri" She mumbled under your breath, not expecting that melon next to her to hear that.

"I prefer my suggestion"


"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY? Oh~ Y/n, you're so dreamy~ Thank you for naming the pet I got you after me, love~ (???)"

"Her name is Heiri. End of discussion"

"Geez..." Heizou got up and streched before letting out an extremely long yawn that made him look like a damn bird yawning.

" Heizou got up and streched before letting out an extremely long yawn that made him look like a damn bird yawning

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"If only I had my Kamera on me..."

"Don't even think of it, sweetheart"

"I will, idiot"

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