Chapter 5- Light Switch

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(Hello quick update: Im in my science lesson and I was planning on posting 2 chapters today to complete each other but it seems like I'm gonna do it after the lesson)



*Third Person POV*

"I know you really don't like goofing around while you have a case, but thank you for taking the time to walk me home, Heizou" Y/n smiled sweetly as Heizou gave her a genuine closed eye smile 

"No worries~ Tell Mrs. L/n that I said Hi" Heizou said then ruffled Y/n's h/c hair.

"Will do. See you later" Y/n said then opened her house's front door as Heizou started to walk back to Inazuma City.

Y/n felt a bit troubled. She felt as if she forgot to tell him something.

She turned around, quickly yelling out his name "Heizou!"

"Hm? What's wrong?" Heizou asked, looking back to Y/n who had the most embarrassed face 

Idiot. She didn't even know what she wanted to tell him but she called him anyways.

Now, what was she gonna do?

The author bets 5 mora that she'll say something stupid


"Y/n, sweetheart, you're scaring me right now"

She giggled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck, "Am I?"

Heizou's eyes suddenly went bright, "Is it possibly a confession?! AAAh~ I've always known you've had feelings for me Y/n~ But I'm sorry I-"

"What feelings? Even if I did have them, I'd rather die than confess them to you in front of my house" Y/n sweat dropped as a depressed aura surrounded Heizou

"Is that so?" He mumbled sadly then Y/n sighed

"Forget it, I don't remember what I even wanted to say" Y/n stated 

"Ah, okay~ But if you remember it, come see me right away~" Heizou said with an incredibly bright aura surrounding him

My lord.

This guy's mood switches are insane.

He's definitely on his period.

Y/n sighed and turned around again to unlock her front door that she accidentally locked while Heizou kept staring at her with rosy cheeks.

'Did she always have such a nice back?' 

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