Chapter 28- Heiri

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*Third Person POV*

"THIS IS HEIRI! YOU WILL ONLY SEE HER ONCE BEFORE SHE GOES TO THE DOCTOR! EVERYONE SAY HI TO HER!" Heizou shouted out for the entirety of Inazuma to hear as he held Heiri up in the air. 

Y/n and everyone stared at him for a whole minute in silence before going on with their day. Heizou sighed then looked at Heiri sadly and hugged her so tightly that she was about to actually kill him before he pulled away and held her up like a baby.

She blinked a couple of times with a fed up expression before Y/n snatched her away. 

"Baby, I know that you hate doctors and all that- so do I- but you're really sick" Y/n said to Heiri who immediately cuddled into her chest.

"Oh, I'm taking you to the doctor too."

"Why? I'm perfectly fine"

Her husband gave her that look that says, 'No, no you aren't'

"Oh please, name one thing that I need to go to the doctor's for"

He eyed her up and down multiple times, and the author is here to list the things he meant.


Nobushi bounties
Your scars from doing stupid things with your weapon
Your injuries from your Nobushi bounties
All your wounds that you won't let me do something about
Heiri's bites
You tried to jump off the house roof when you were drunk and broke a rib
That time you tripped over Heiri and fell down the stairs
You tripped over your blanket and banged your head on the wall
Heiri's bites again
You were trying to read your mom's letter but walked face first into a goddamn street light pole
I bit your hand when you tried to take Heiri from me
Heiri bit you again
Your mom cut her finger while trying to cut some onions and when you tried to help her, you ended up cutting your finger as well. Your dad tried helping and he actually managed to cut a few onions, but he cut his finger when he tried cutting cucumbers.
You closed the door on your hand and then banged your head on the wall to relieve the pain this morning...Your head is still bleeding.
And much more.

Y/n looked at him for a good minute before sighing, "Fine. I'm going to the doctor's with you I guess."

"That's what I like to hear" Heizou smiled then took his wife's hand in his before they continued their walk to the doctor's place.

(They don't go to a hospital because Pantalone fricking gets them the best doctors from mfing SUMERU to treat his family)

"I'm pretty sure him and his wife were just fighting before we came in, but at least we got out of there" Heizou said as he pulled Heiri and Y/n out of the doctor's place

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"I'm pretty sure him and his wife were just fighting before we came in, but at least we got out of there" Heizou said as he pulled Heiri and Y/n out of the doctor's place. The second they did, a chair got thrown through the window.

At this point of the day, they were completely worn out.

Heizou was tired of doctors complimenting Y/n.

Y/n's social battery completely ran out and now can't even bear listening to anyone talk anymore.

Heiri was about to commit seventeen different warcrimes.

They walked into the estate door only to be greeted by awfully loud sounds that belonged to Y/n's parents. It was coming from their room.

"Dear! Why?! I've asked you so many times to capitalize the letters that need to be capitalized!" Pantalone said just as the three walked into the room.

"Woahh... In my 21 years of living, never before have I seen you two fight before!"

"They're not fighting, love" Heizou giggled, trying to cover his laugh before his wife turned to him with a confused face.

"My dear, please tell your mom to please capitalize the letters in her letters.."

"What's so bad about it?!" M/n asked in actual confusion before Pantalone took her two hands and held them tightly

"Honey, dear, my love, my one, my only...It is the way we can tell the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse!" 


"Ahem.. Mom-" Y/n cleared her throat before handing a piece of paper to her mother

Helping your Uncle Jack off a horse

helping your uncle jack off a horse

"Oh." M/n uttered out before falling onto the couch.

The woman was too stunned to speak.

Now you know that this lady has never read over any of her letters and hence why Varka never replied to them.

Heiri climbed up M/n lap then sat there, looking up at her dead in the eyes before lightly slapping her face with her hand, paw, tail, whatever it is...

She then let out a small and concerned sound.

Heiri looked at Heizou who was just helping Pantalone calm down, and then Y/n who was about to start a whole grammar lesson for her mom.

She tilted her head and hopped off of M/n and down onto the floor. She walked past Heizou and decided

It's a good idea to try and bite his ankle.

And so she did.

But Heizou did not flinch an inch, instead he had a bright and flowery aura surrounding him.

"Awww, Heiri~ I don't know if you're hungry and asking me to get you something, or if you wanted me to hold you~! Or you just woke up and chose violence." Heizou cooed at Heiri who immediately attempted escape, but she got caught by Heizou and he pulled her into a hug, "Come with me, baby, let's go get you some food"

Heiri looked at Y/n in dire need of help, but mother was already teaching grandmother when to capitalize things.

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