Chapter 24- Thunderstorm

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*Third Person POV*

"Awh, are you sure you don't wanna stay here with me and your dad? We have a lot to catch up on you know..." M/n said as she leaned on the wall and watched her daughter struggle to put on her shoes

"Mom, I love you and all, but I don't wanna talk to him after all he's done" Y/n huffed, just the thought of sitting with Pantalone and acting all buddy-buddy makes her mad.

"Y/n, when will you let me tell the story? You think he's the bad guy but he's actually not" Her mother stated as Y/n groaned and rolled her eyes

"You're his wife, of course you're gonna try and protect him" Y/n huffed and tightened her shoes on, "I'm going out to solve a case with Heizou, and I'm gonna be back tomorrow"

M/n sighed, "Fine, but be careful"

Y/n walked out of their house and closed the door behind her, only to let Pantalone come out from his room

"Dear, you don't have to force her to talk to me. It's fine, and it is my fault for not leaving them any explaination" Pantalone said with a broken smile 

"It's not fair for you that's the thing..." M/n sighed then walked over to the couch and sat down, "The fact Y/n is broken inside because she believes her dad abandoned her and Amelia breaks me"

"Again, I left them no explaination of what happened at all.."

"You had to attend a Fatui event that was hosted in Inazuma so you took me with you and left the kids with their grandmother for a few weeks! How were supposed to know that my mother was gonna cross over and the Tsaritsa was going to summon you back to Snezhnaya?!"

Pantalone held M/n hands gently, took off his glasses, and looked straight into his wife's eyes, "Darling, accept the fact that it's my fault that Y/n hates me, but it's fine as long as she stays happy and healthy"

Pantalone held M/n hands gently, took off his glasses, and looked straight into his wife's eyes, "Darling, accept the fact that it's my fault that Y/n hates me, but it's fine as long as she stays happy and healthy"

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"What is that?"

"A piece of paper"

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, what does it say?"

"All I'm going to say is...Language"

"Just tell me what the damn paper says-"


Y/n huffed and just snatched the paper out of his hands, quietly examining its contents

"Soo... Uhhh...

"It's fine, my love. Not everyone can understand such complex words in such short time" Heizou giggled, taking the paper back from his girlfriend's hands

"Are you calling me stupid?" Y/n deadpanned at Heizou who smiled at her sweetly

"I'm calling you m calling you inadequate, stupid, goofy, and idiotic, my dear watson"


"Hm..? Oh..It seems that a storm is closing in. I suppose we're going to halt the investigation for a while"

"A storm, you say..?"

"Don't worry, we're at my house. You can sleep the whole time if you'd like"

 You can sleep the whole time if you'd like"

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Well that was a horrible idea

Y/n couldn't get any sleep at all, not because the thunder was loud

It was just because she was freaking out and almost on the verge of crying, she was terrified of thunderstorms eversince she came back from Yashiori island

But it's fine

She had Heizou

(Just imagine they're like this)

Even if she was scared of thunder, things really aren't that bad

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Even if she was scared of thunder, things really aren't that bad. She's got a nice mom and she's got a cool dad. She just stays in her room too long, but...




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