Chapter 21- IX

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*Third Person POV*

"....mgh-? What time is it...?" Y/n mumbled as soon as she woke up. She looked at Heizou who was sound asleep next to her and gave him a small kiss on the forehead, 'Looks like someone won't be getting up any time soon..'

And no you dirty minded swine

They weren't doing anything, they were cuddling >:(

Y/n heard laughs and giggles coming from downstairs, so as a nosey person would, she got up and went to check what was going on. She didn't bother changing out of her oversized shirt and shorts incase there was a guest or something. 

Y/n walked down the stairs, yawning like a fricking seagul, and saw who was causing the commotion.

It was her mom and dad laughing while looking through a photo album. She deadpanned and cleared her throat, obviously not happy with her dad's sudden appearance

"Oh! Good morning there sweetheart! Look who's here!" M/n said with a bright smile on her face, but Y/n was the whole opposite

"Yes I noticed, but why is he here? Shouldn't he be in Snezhnaya or something?" She huffed as her father was surrounded by a depressed aura


"Sweetheart, your father came here to see you specifically. At least put on a facade and try to act happy for his sake" M/n said

"Dear, don't do that-" her husband giggled nervously

"Mhm....why would I?" Y/n asked dryly, tilting her head slightly to the side

"Y/n, where do you live?"


"What kind of house?"

"A mansion"

"Do you like the mansion?"


"Who got you the mansion?"

"This guy over there" Y/n huffed, pointing at her dad angrily

"Exactly, now go hang out with your dad. When you two come back, I'll have your f/f ready!" M/n smiled and Y/n and her father's faces immediately lit up

"DEAL!" They both shouted in unison as M/n giggled sweetly.

"Well then, Y/n you go get dressed" She said and Y/n quickly ran upstairs to her room. As she said before, Heizou wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon, so she scribbled up a note for him and left it on her bedside table.

Y/n grabbed some clothes then went to the bathroom to put them on.

"Y/n~! Come on!" M/n called and so she came out of the bathroom

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She said and quickly ran down the stairs, "I'm here"

"Let's go, shall we?" Her father said and she sighed before nodding. They left the mansion and began aimlessly strolling around Ritou

It was such a silent walk. Y/n didn't even bother to utter a word to him, yes she was still mad at him for taking her mother to Inazuma and just leaving them in Mondstadt.

Her father, on the other hand, was desperately waiting for her to say something. He didn't know how to start a conversation with his daughter. He was so occupied with work in Snezhnaya and this was probably the first and last time he would ever talk to her.

He had to try, for the sake of his daughter, so he cleared his throat, "*ahem* So..Uh- Y/ is Inazuma?"

"I've only been to Mondstadt before so I don't have anywhere to compare it to" Y/n said nonchalantly, obviously trying to end this conversation before it starts

"Oh... I see.."

"What about you? How's Snezhnaya?"

"It's extremely cold, and it snows a lot. I think you would have a blast if you go there"

"I'll pass. How's the Fatui?" She asked dryly as her father's face became sad

He sighed, "....It's fine."

"What's your title in it anyways? I forgot"

"Well why don't you try and remember?" He said with a sad smile then Y/n sighed

"Pants or something?"

"....It's Pantalone, my dear" He giggled and gave his daughter a pat on the head

"I was close" Y/n rolled her eyes as Pantalone started giggling

"I was close" Y/n rolled her eyes as Pantalone started giggling

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WELL HAH I BET YOU NEVER COULD'VE GUESSED IT! Yes pantalone is your dad 

I'll probably update tmrw too but if I don't well oh well

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