Chapter 15- Shikannoying

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*Third Person POV*


"Look, I love you and all but I have no idea how this happened"

"Oh my dear Archon..."

"....How did we end up here?"

As any normal person would ask, What the hell is going on in here?

Allow me to answer. Itto ate beans. Again.

Shinobu was tired of life, Itto's gang were panicking, Heizou was on the ground dying of laughter, and Y/n was just standing in the corner, wondering why the hell would this guy eat beans if he knew he was allergic to them.

"Heizou, what does your intuition say?" Y/n sighed, looking back to her- To Heizou who was still on the ground.

It took him a good few minutes to calm down and sit upright, "Hah...haha...My intuition tells me that- AHAHAHAHAAHAHAA-"

Bro didn't get to finish his sentence and started laughing again.

"I'm just gonna say that he did it for some snacks"

Y/n looked at Shinobu then she sighed, "Sounds about right. Alright, I'll be taking him to a hospital. You guys, lend me a hand"

With that, Shinobu took Itto and the rest of the gang to a hospital nearby and left Y/n with a lavender melon who refused to stop laughing.

"IT'S NOT THAT FUNNY SHUT UP!" She snapped which only made that guy laugh even more, "ARE YOU SURE YOU WERE DRINKING JUICE NOT SAKE??"



Well, after that ahem

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Well, after that ahem...disaster, Heizou finally calmed down but he was all out of energy.

And that's saying something.

Y/n took him to her house, his arm wrapped around her neck since this guy lost the ability to walk after all that laughing

(Btw this is all based on something that happened to me- I was once on a sugar rush at school and I was laughing at every little thing. By the done I stopped laughing, I was so sick and they sent me home-)

"Mom, I'm home!" Y/n said as she walked into the house with Heizou. She kicked off her shoes and dragged Heizou up the stairs to her room.

"Y/n...What did I eat before the Itto thing?" Heizou mumbled tiredly as Y/n set him down on her bed.

She sighed, "No clue. Are you sure you weren't drinking with the others at the station?"

"I was...But it was just a few shots.." Heizou murmured which made Y/n grow an irk mark.

"if you know the darn answer- How many shots?"

"....About 20 or something."

"I'm out."

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