Chapter 17- Seven O'clock

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*Third Person POV*

Heizou grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled her to the seat in the corner of the izakaya. Y/n wanted to dip and go get revenge on Shinobu for ditching her like that, but nooooooooo

We have a lavender melon on the loose

The atmosphere surrounding the two was very tense and awkward. They didn't talk to each other for almost a week and now they're sitting in their favorite place together.

"Come on now, order what you want. My treat" Heizou smiled but Y/n deadpanned at him


"Why what?"

"Why are you suddenly acting as if nothing happened?"

"Ah...I see..."

"Why are you-" "You're not sober"


"Iruka! Can you get us some sake? Thanks buddy!" Heizou said to the waiter then turned back to Y/n

"You're not sober, my dear"

"I very much am"

"Then how many fingers am I holding up?" Heizou asked holding up two fingers. Y/n was very dizzy from all that drinking so she couldn't see very well, but she still said it...


"Oh my Shogun- Okay keep drinking... IRUKA WHERE IS THE SAKE-?!"


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He's supposed to be responsible.

The detective of the Tri-commission.

All I'm gonna say that Heizou and Y/n spent the next few hours drinking.

And man,

I worried for their bladder.

"mmm...babe...what *HIC* time is it..?"

"....*HIC*....No..*HIC*" Poor Y/n couldn't even finish her sentence because of the hiccups

Moral of the story, don't kin gods.

"You two don't look so good...Do you need me to call someone to send you home?" Iruka asked as he walked up to the table the two were at. They just shook their head and gave him a thumbs up, indicating that they're 'fine'

"*HIC* Iruka...What time is it..?" Heizou mumbled as Iruka looked at his watch

"Its 4:20" Iruka stated and it was at that moment he knew

he messed up


"You two are the most immature couple I've ever met.." Iruka sighed and walked away. Dealing with Heizou was hard on its own, now we have Y/n with him.

"Hey...*HIC*..Babe..I love you.." Heizou mumbled lowly as he shoved his face into Y/n's neck

"*HIC*...I know that- *HIC*"

"Mmm..No I love you too..?"

"..Shit you....and *HIC* no.."

"Mmmm...I see..." He sighed and Y/n just felt him smirking on her neck. Well that was before she felt her neck get all wet.

"The heck-" Y/n gasped, thinking that Heizou was being a little bit naughty, but no, man literally fell asleep and was drooling

Y/n sighed, "Idiot..."

She patted his head softly before she moved him and set his head on her laps, and the sleeping lavender melon got too comfortable.

And after a few more shots, Y/n also fell asleep.

F in the chat for their bladder.

F in the chat for their bladder

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He was bonked right on the head by Iruka which surely woke him up.

"WHAT IN HEIRI'S CUTENESS IS GOING ON?!" Heizou yelled out then noticed Y/n still sleeping

"Y/n told me that if she spends too much time in the Izayaka, I should force her to go home, so can you do that for me?" Iruka asked, not because he didn't want to, it's because he's terrified to. This girl is

"Man, I was having such a lovely dream...But fine" Heizou pouted then Iruka nodded and walked away, leaving Heizou to do his thing

"Dear, wake up. You have to go home, don't you?" Heizou said as he tried to wake up his sleeping beauty

Y/n let out a string of unidentified groans and whines which made Heizou sweat drop. He sighed then pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her neck and the other one holding her waist.

"What do you want, Heizou...?" Y/n mumbled tiredly then Heizou kissed her cheek

"Don't you have to go home? It's almost 7, my love~" Heizou whispered and her eyes shot wide open

"SHOOT! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!" Y/n yelled out then immediately got up

"Damn, that was fast.." Heizou sweat dropped

"I have to go! Bye Heizou! The bill is all yours~!" Y/n smiled as she ran out of the Izayaka

"....I know she didn't plan this, but I think she kind of did too.."

Y/n quickly ran back to Ritou, as fast as she could go. She had no idea what her mom wanted from her, but she knew she needed to be back on time. 

She ran down the steps as maple leaves were dancing in the air, and soon she reached her house. At least she managed to get there by seven o'clock.

"Mom! I'm home!" Y/n said with a smile on her face, but that smile didn't last long and faded immediately

"Ah! Y/n! Look who's here!" M/n smiled as raging hatred was visible in her daughter's two eyes

"What the hell are you doing here, you bastard?"



I just finished the rest of the archon quest and idk how to feel ☺️

cries in lore 

After multiple weeks of procrastinating, I'm finally done the 5wirl playlists :D. Now I gotta make one for Scaramouche cuz its no longer 5wirl ffs-

Btw for all Xiao simps, I have a great idea for the book so should I start it now or after I'm done with this one? 


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