Chapter 11- Love, Brain, Heart Control

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I'm grinding the daily (almost) updates so does that mean I can slack off for a month or two?

Am joking, I'll try my best to keep up the good work but no promises tho-

Also, wish me luck on getting albedo, I spent all my wishes and now I'm deep into pity but my husband still wont come home ;-;

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Also, wish me luck on getting albedo, I spent all my wishes and now I'm deep into pity but my husband still wont come home ;-;

*Third Person POV*

-Inazuma, 5 years ago-

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked looking down at the sleeping Heizou's face

"My, I thought you'd be happy to see me, dear~"

"Stop calling me that. Most importantly, I don't see you in Ritou that often" 

"Am I not welcome here?"

"Well, this is my spot, so no" Y/n said referring to the maple tree Heizou was sleeping under

"I don't see your name on i-" Heizou smirked then Y/n sat on his belly, giving him a murderous look

She spoke through her gritted teeth, "My. Damn. Spot. Heizou."

"...Rock paper scissors? You win, I leave. I win, we share this spot"

"What about a draw?"

"You give me a kiss...and we share this spot."

"How is that fair?"

"Well if we don't do this, I'm not moving~"

"Ugh, fine..."

"Rock, paper scissors, SHOOT"
"Rock, paper scissors, SHOOT"



It was a tie.

"Why do I feel like you knew what I was gonna do so you did the same thing-?"

Heizou gave Y/n a closed-eye smile, waiting for his kiss. Y/n sighed and leaned in to give him a kiss, but it was on the cheek. And that resulted in a disappointed Heizou.

He gave her a mad look, well it wasn't a mad look, he was like >:c.

"You didn't specify where the kiss goes" Y/n smirked then got off of his belly and lied down next to him

"Y/n, do you wanna go to Mondstadt with me one day?"

"It's my homeland so yeah sure, but why suddenly ask?"

"All that you see in Inazuma is lightning, storms, and chaos. Let's go to Mondstadt once the Sakuko decree is no longer in order"

"And it has just been announced. Heizou, why are you like this?"

"Hehe~ Anyways, when we go to Mondstadt, I want you to show me around!"

"You do realize the last time I was in Mond was like 10 years ago when I was 5? I didn't go anywhere besides Windrise. And that was my limit"

"Then both of us will explore it!"

"...Sometimes I wonder why you're such an idiot-"

Heizou sat up properly and stuck his pinky out, "Come on."

Y/n sighed then sat up and locked her pinky with his, "You make a pinky promise, you keep it for eternity~"

"You break the pinky promise, I throw in the storm~"

"The gale will kill the pinky that once betrayed your friend~"

"The lightning will cut your tongue off so you never lie again~"

"Why are you looking at me like that, Heizou?" 

"Because...I really did fall in love with you, an idiot.." 

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