Chapter 22- The Feels

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We need cannon not fillers

*Third Person POV*

-Mondstadt, 41 Years Ago-

It was almost time to start the Windblume Festival in Mondstadt

Everyone was running around, trying to get everything ready in time

And there was young girl who was very particular about decoration, she was blessed with gorgeous looks, but let's just say she wasn't very blessed in the height category

"M/n! Are you sure you don't need help with that?" Varka laughed as the girl was obviously struggling to hang up a banner

"I'm just fine! Now leave me be and go do something more important!" M/n huffed as Varka kept laughing at the girl

"You have a Geo vision for a reason, why don't you make an elevator or platform to give you more height?" He suggested which caused a tick mark to grow on M/n's head

"Why would I use my vision when I can perfectly do it on my own?"

"Kid, you've been trying to hang that banner up for the past 30 minutes with no luck. Just use it"

M/n huffed angrily then summoned a platform, and you can never guess what happened next

she hung up the banner in less than 30 seconds

"It wasn't that hard, kid. You were blessed with a vision so use it" Varka stated, agressively patting M/n on the head

"Stop calling me kid....I'm older than you.." 

"But you're shorter"

"I'll hit you-"

"Excuse me, do you know where Goth's hotel is?" someone asked as he walked up to the two. 

It was a tall man with extremely pale skin and extremely dark hair and eyes, and judging by the question and his outfit, he wasn't from Mondstadt, but most likely from Fontaine or Snezhnaya

"Yeah you just keep walking, take a left, walk up the stairs, take a right, another right, then you'll see it in front of you" M/n stated, not even bothering to look at him and just kept hanging other banners

"That won't do, M/n. Go take him to Goth's hotel, I'll hang up the banners" Varka said and that just made M/n deadpan at him. He knew damn well she doesn't like talking to strangers or even be within a 20 meter radius of them 

"Why don't you take him there?" M/n asked, but Varka had already snatched the banner string away from her and then dipped, leaving her with nothing to do but walk that person to Goth's hotel

"You damn- Come with me" M/n huffed and started walking so the stranger followed

"Soooo...Where are you from?" She asked 

"I came from Snezhnaya for some bussiness matters" He answered with a closed-eye smile glued onto his face

"Oh okay, got a name then?" 

"Ahaha...I'd prefer to not disclose it" He giggled sheepishly, avoiding M/n's gaze

I'd prefer to not disclose it" He giggled sheepishly, avoiding M/n's gaze

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"Hey...Old man, you there?" Y/n huffed, nudging her father who was daydreaming or something

"Hm? Oh I'm sorry, dear. I must've zoned out for a while" Pantalone giggled lightly then came to notice how simillar Y/n looked to M/n back then

"You did, now can we go back home and eat?"

"Of course! You go first, I'll catch up with you in a moment"

"Okay I guess.."

"Byee~" Pantalone waved at his daughter before the smile on his face completely faded


Im speculating way too many things about Pantalone and watch me be extremely shocked when I get everything wrong

Im updating today cuz I'm going out shopping with my friends tmrw (They're gonna buy clothes while I'm rampaging in the food court and Sephora)

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