Chapter 2- Lavender Melon And Naku Weed

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*Third Person POV*

"Heizou...." Y/n groaned at that lavender melon who refused to let her go home 

"Come on, Y/N! It's not like you see me everyday!" Heizou huffed and hugged Heiri tightly

"Yes and who's fault is that? Am I the one sneaking off to Watatsumi Island and considering it a paid trip?" She deadpanned at the detective who sighed and pouted at you. 

He grabbed her arm, pulled Y/n closer to him. 

He placed his chin on her shoulder so she could feel his warm breath tickling her ear.

"You should've come with me, love. The island was very pretty~" 

"Is the Island prettier than me?" She rolled her eyes playfully, already knowing how the flirt in Heizou would reply.

But everything went wrong the moment she noticed he was actually thinking about it.

"In terms of looks, yes"

Y/n got up, snatched Heiri away from Heizou, and stormed down Tenshukaku....Well, wanted to.

She didn't think she would need her glider, so she left it at home.

"Y/n~ You don't even know how to get down from here!" Heizou giggled and unfortunately, he was right.

"Okay get me down from here.." She sighed, but Heizou just smiled at her teasingly

"I will, but I want one thing from you~"

"I don't like the sound of that...what is it?"

Heizou's smile turned into the flirtiest smirk a person would ever see. He got up and took a few steps until there was barely any distance between the two which naturally made her flush red at the closeness. He looked down to her then his mouth moved to her ear.

"Why do you seem so red and nervous, love?" He mumbled into your ear as you started sweating

(Sorry didn't wanna fix the POV cuz the comments were too funny for me)

"What do you want?" She asked, giggling to brush away her nervousness.

Y/n doesn't live laugh love flirty Heizou. 

His eyes narrowed at her and his smirk grew wider.

Suddenly, he snatched away Heiri and started kissing her head gently. 

"I'll give you Heiri when I feel like it, but she's staying with me for a few days" Heizou giggled cutely as a bright and flowery aura surrounded him.

She aggressively bonked him on the head, causing him to fall.

"IF ALL YOU WANTED WAS HEIRI THEN YOU SHOULD'VE JUST TOLD ME SO!" Y/n yelled as he kept rubbing his head out of pain.

"But you liked it!" He stated playfully as he gave her a cute little wink

"Stupid lavender melon..."

"Aggressive Naku weed..." 

"Now help me down" She demanded then he sighed and wrapped one of his arms around her waist but slipped his hand under her anemo vision, and the other arm of his was used to hold Heiri.  Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck which made him blush a little

"Now hang on tight.. We wouldn't want an unhappy accident here.."


I was THIS CLOSE 🤏 to giving you an electro vision but I'm a nice person and I don't want you (or myself) to suffer while reading this. So there you go, an anemo vision :)

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