Chapter 16- Something About You

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Wait I have a pun for you before you start-

Yk the theory that says that not everyone sees the same colors? Does that mean colors... are actually a pigment of your imagination?


*Third Person POV*

"Y/n, dear, my baby, you haven't eaten your food yet" M/n stated as Y/n was just staring down at her cold food

"Anything happened?" She asked, pulling a chair to sit down next to her daughter who seemed awfully down

"No, not really.. Same thing" Y/n sighed and banged her head on the table "I told you that I let my anger out on him and that didn't end well.."

"Did he yell at you though?"

"He was mad at me for not taking care of my health and from there I snapped"

"Hmmm and you haven't talked to each other in about a week...Dear, do you want to hear it from me?" M/n asked and her daughter raised her head to look at her, meaning she has her attention

"Sweetie, all was just sexual tension ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" M/n giggled as she wiggled her eyebrows

Y/n looked down at the table, "Huh..Maybe it was.."

"See? Heizou won't do that~ Now go give your husband a kiss"

"Mom, I was being sarcastic."


Y/n got up, "I'm gonna go see Shinobu"

"Okay, make sure to come home early though!"

"What time?"

"Around 7 would be great"

"Noted. Bye mom, I love you"

Normal day in Inazuma City

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Normal day in Inazuma City. Normally, you would assume Itto was causing trouble or something but no.

He was in jail and Shinobu was getting a snack before going to bail him out.

"Mhm, he was vandalizing private property so he was reported to the police"

"Ohhh......................He does that every day, no?"

"I never said it was new, Y/n"

Shinobu and Y/n were walking around Inazuma city with their snack in hand until they passed by an izakaya. And you know Y/n, she loves sake.

"Ahem- Shinobu, why don't we like, leave Itto for a while so he understands that what he did was wrong.. You know, bailing him out right away won't make him learn any lessons.."

"If you want me to come drink with you, just say so-"

"OKEY! LETS GOOO!" Y/n smiled, grabbed Shinobu's arm, and dragged her inside the izakaya.

Now when I tell you that this girl kins a god, I do mean it. Once she grabs her sake, she will not let go of it...

Unless she's wasted and someone sends her home.

Shinobu doesn't remotely drink as much as her best friend.

Responsible mf-

"Y/n, let go of the sake" Shinobu ordered, but as you can see, well you can't see, you're reading a book, Shinobu stopped her before going any further

"My happy hour though..."

"I need to get Itto out of jail and I'm not leaving you here on your own" Shinobu stated and Y/n huffed

"I'm not gonna go overboard.."

"You said that last time and you did go overboard."

"Last time was months ago.."

"And you didn't change one bit."


"Come on, let's go"

"Hm? Fancy seeing you here, Kuki" a familiar voice spoke. Y/n knew immediately who it is

"Ayeee~ Shinobu, let's go bail Itto out~" Y/n smiled, getting up on her feet

"Are you on your period? That mood switch was-" Shinobu deadpanned while Y/n giggled

"You should be getting your period around this time of the month, no?" Heizou said, instantly reminding her

"Oh crap.." She whimpered sadly and hugged Shinobu's arm 

"Also, you don't need to worry. I got Itto out, but I'd appreciate you lecturing him about it" Heizou smiled and Shinobu bowed right on the spot

"Thank you. I will be sure to. Now if you'll excuse me" Shinobu uttered out and then left in a hurry to find Itto before he does anything stupid again

"Shinobu-" "Don't you try and run away now, love.."



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I had to get a chapter out by today but I couldn't finish this one bcuz of stuff happening in my house so here is half of it-

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