Chapter 23- Maple Leaves

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I just noticed my friend has moles under her eyes so she is either Heizou or Mitsuri-

*Third Person POV*

"What is it that you need from me?" Pantalone said, turning around to greet the fatui agent with a glare. "You interrupted my time with my precious daughter so it better be fast"

"My lord... The Marrionette needs you back in Fontaine"

"You came all the way here just to tell me something I am completely aware of? It was the Marrionette who didn't require my assisstance and told me to go away" Pantalone stated and walked away from the Fatui agent

"My lord! Wait!"

Pantalone stopped in his tracks, "What is it now?"

"Excercise caution around the young lady-"

"Who gave you to the right to order me around?! Why don't you make yourself useful and go tell the Marrionette that I'm not returning until a week later?" Pantalone huffed and walked away from the Fatui agent and went back home

"Who gave you to the right to order me around?! Why don't you make yourself useful and go tell the Marrionette that I'm not returning until a week later?" Pantalone huffed and walked away from the Fatui agent and went back home

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"Sooooooo since Heizou's here... We kind of need to introduce him to your father, my dear" M/n stated while Y/n was hugging a half-asleep Heizou who had a case to solve

Y/n huffed, "I'm not going to."

"Love, I think it's best to-" Heizou mumbled as he rubbed his eyes and tried to get out of his fiancé's hug but Y/n held him tight and huffed angrily

"Not a single word you lavender melon"


"If you're not gonna introduce Heizou to your dad, I will" M/n said then crossed her arms and looked away


Pantalone walked in, with a huge smile glued on his face.

Well that's until he noticed Y/n hugging Heizou

"Am I late- Who is this young man?"

"I'm-" Heizou started but was cut off by Y/n placing her hand over his mouth

"Old man, this is my...." She trailed off, waiting for M/n to whisper what word she should use

"F. I. A. N. C. É."

"I'm her boyfriend" Heizou said through a muffled voice

"Fiancé" Y/n corrected but Heizou argued for no reason


"This is Shikanoin Heizou, he's our Y/n's husband"

"Fiancé" Y/n facepalmed

"Lover" M/n smiled

"Soon-to-be husband" Heizou stated

"Oh...How nice. Nice to meet you then, Heizou" Pantalone said with a not-so-welcoming smile

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