Chapter 4- Stay

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*Third Person POV*

"Heizou...let of me, will ya?" 

"No...I'm comfy, darling..."

"And I'm Y/n. Now get off"

"Sometimes I wonder why are we even friends?"

"And by the nicknames you keep calling me, people take it the wrong way"

"Is it wrong to mess with my good friend?"

"Let go of me."




"Are you done?"

"Shut the ever-loving frick up and stay put!"

"Heizou I have to go!"

"No, you don't!"

Just as it sounds, Heizou and Y/n shared the same bed since a certain someone forced her to. He wouldn't let her sleep on the floor while he was on the bed, right?

(I will never share the bed with anyone, even if it means for me to sleep on the grass)

It was morning already. Y/n knew her mom would be worried about her, but that stupid lavender melon was getting too comfy cuddling her.

"Heizou! My mom will turn the Tenshukaku upside down looking for me! Now let go!"

"Don't worry, if Mrs. L/n is that worried, I'll tell her we were having a nice sleepover~"

"Imma punch you in the face"

"Violent Naku weed.."

Y/n groaned then got away from Heizou's clutch.

"I love you and all, but sometimes you're way too clingy" Y/n sighed as Heizou let out a string of unidentified groans and whines.

"Please~ Come back N/n~!" Heizou whined and she sighed at his annoying state.

It's been a while since he called Y/n by her nickname.

All he ever calls her nowadays is darling....


...........and Naku weed.

He calls her that because she wears a purple haori. And so she calls him Lavender melon because his head looks like one, but that's not the case.

When Heizou joined the Tenryou commission, the two have grown distant than they used to be.

The more promotions Heizou gets, the more the two seem to grow apart.

"N/n!" A seven year old Heizou called out as he ran to Y/n as fast as his feet could handle.

"Whaaa? What's going on, Heizou?" She asked, getting off of her swing then he gave her a big, wide grin as he pulled a small box from behind his back.

"Happy birthday~!" Heizou said then gave Y/n the box.

Curious, the little girl slowly opened it to see a small ring inside.

"Heizou, what is this?" Y/n asked then he showed her a similar ring to the one he gave her.

"My mom said that when we grow up, we should get married! She said these rings make us...Uhhh...what was the word again?" Heizou said with such a bright smile on his face but then it turned frustrated because a certain lavender melon forgot the word

He quickly snapped his fingers, "RIGHT! She said these rings make us 'engaged'!"

"What does that mean..?" She asked in deep confusion then Heizou shrugged his shoulders

"No clue."

"Awwh..I kinda wanted a f/a for my birthday..." She pouted then Heizou gave her a wet kiss on the forehead.

"I'll get it for you one day!"

"Y/n? Y/n~? Anybody home~?" Heizou said as he kept on knocking on her forehead, trying to make that rusty mind of hers function again.

"Eh-? Huh?" She mumbled, finally coming out of her trail of thoughts.

Sure, she was older now and understood more about that day, but sometimes....

....a part of her wishes for it to come true.

And with the current events of the Sakoku decree, the vision hunt decree, and all that, it just seems like a distant dream.

"Oi! Can you stop spacing out for a sec?!" Heizou snapped which immediately got her back to her senses

"My bad...Heizou.." She mumbled, looking down on the ground. 

Heizou sat up properly on the bed, legs crossed, while giving you a concerned stare.

"Something happened?" 

"Nothing...I'm...I just didn't sleep well and I'm also hungry..." Y/n lied, with a big, wide, smile on her face

"Ohhhhhhh...Well, you're pretty calm today I guess? Normally, if you're hungry or tired, you're a straight up spawn of satan."

"Wow. Thanks a lot." She rolled your eyes as she groaned and then heard the idiot giggle.

Suddenly, he grabbed Y/n's waist and pulled her close. He then rested his body on the mattress with her above him, which of course, made her a blushing mess.


"Calm down, I'm not gonna do anything, Y/n."


"Hehe...should I call you tomato instead of Naku weed?"


"That's what I thought, idiot.." He let out a satisfied sigh then he grabbed a strand of her hair and started to twirl it around his fingers.


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