Chapter 13- Falling For You

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GUESS WHOS BACK?? ITS MEH :DDD And now that I have albedo, Im a menace to society, my mora, and my brother.

Why am I being a menace to my brother?



Anywayssssss, I HOPE YOU ENJOY-

*Third Person POV*

"Y/n, come and eat!" M/n said as she walked into Y/n's room. Y/n was lying on the bed tired. "Honey, are you okay?"

"Mom...I've ingested Archon knows how much Naku weed in the past few I look okay?"

M/n laughed, "You'll be fine dear"

"I forgot to ask...Who got all that Naku weed? The doc kept telling me that I shouldn't bother myself with random questions when I'm ill" Y/n mumbled, slowly covering herself with her blanket.

"Don't worry about it, my dear" M/n murmured, gently stroking her daughter's hair

"Mrs. L/n, can you do me a favor?" Heizou asked as he was walking M/n back home from the doctor's

"What is it?" M/n replied and glanced at Heizou who was looking down

"When Y/n gets better....When she gets better, can you not tell her that I'm the one who was getting the Naku weed for her medicine?" Heizou requested with a bit of a sad grin

Before M/n could ask why, Heizou had already started talking again, "Y/n is very nosey, but she doesn't like feeling indebted to anyone. If she finds out that I'm the one who did it, she won't be the Y/n I know around me. So please, for my sake, don't tell her"


"Forget the Naku weed, what's more important is what happened the night you went to visit Heizou in his office~" M/n teased as cold sweat started travelling down Y/n's face

"Nothing happened, mom...Why are you asking..?" Y/n laughed nervously

"Because that night, you came home with such a red face. And when you were sleeping, you were smiling and murmuring Heizou's name in your sleep" M/n stated happily as she was spinning around in your room

"Nothing of that sort happened!"

"Then why were you sleeping with the ring on your finger?!"

"It's right here-!" Y/n exclaimed, attempting to pull her necklace out of her shirt, but the necklace wasn't there

"You mean this?" M/n grinned teasingly, pulling the necklace out of her pocket

Y/n laughed nervously, "Mom. Give. Me. That."

"Hmmm~ Not until you tell me what happened~" 

"I'm surrounded by Heizous...."

 After Y/n managed to escape from her house with her necklace, she was still tired from the fact that there so much Naku weed inside of her body, so as a tired Y/n would do, she went to the usual spot

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 After Y/n managed to escape from her house with her necklace, she was still tired from the fact that there so much Naku weed inside of her body, so as a tired Y/n would do, she went to the usual spot.

She sighed when she saw none other than her Lavender melon lying down under the huge sakura tree. 

"Sometimes I wonder if you finish your work quickly then come here, or if you don't even go to work" Y/n mumbled looking down at the magenta-haired male who just gave her a grin.


"My Archon... I'm worried about you" Y/n sighed as Heizou was staring at her ever-so-lovingly

In his two eyes, Y/n was the most beautiful person he had ever met. She may not match his energy since he has way too much, but she does her best to try and make him happy.

He loved her ever since they were kids, but at the time he didn't understand much. The older he grew, the more he understood, and the more he loved her.

If you already have a crush, imagine liking them for 13 years straight.

Heizou loved her for so long that he was so scared to even tell her, bit by bit, he started telling himself that he doesn't like her anymore.

But every time she looks at him with a smile on her face, his heart just denies his will.

He fell for her so hard.

"I've fallen for you..." Heizou muttered under his breath, turning to lay down on his right side, giving Y/n his back

"Hm? What did you say?" Y/n questioned as she crouched down to his level

"I've fallen for you..." He murmured but she still couldn't hear him

"You stupid Lavender melon, I can't hear you-"

"I said I've fallen for you!"

"Never thought I would ever fall in love with you, you stupid Naku weed"




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Oml hes so pretty 😭

I def wasnt listening to I Want It That Way while writing this

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