Chapter 20- You Called

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Heizou and capy in case anyone's Heiri is a capy :D

*Third Person POV*

"Hey darling, how are you feeling today?" M/n asked as she walked in and sat on the side of her daughter's bed

Y/n groaned and rubbed her head, "...Better I guess...Don't let me go drinking again, mom.."

"I keep telling you to stop drinking but you're always talking about your happy hour" M/n stated with a pout on her face as Y/n giggled a little

" see-"

"No more drinking."


"Heizou came by a while ago. He told me to tell you to meet him at the 'usual' spot when you wake up... Though I have no idea where that is"

"I see" Y/n sighed as she got up and walked out, "See you later mom, I love you!" 

"I love you too!"

Y/n walked down the stars then out of her house.

(And I probably forgot to mention this because the Author is a fish)

Her house is almost as big as d̶e̶e̶z̶ ̶n̶u̶t̶s̶ the Hiigari estate, and that's only because only Y/n and her mom live in it so they wouldn't need a large house.

Like every single time, Heizou was sleeping under the Sakura tree

"You came" Heizou mumbled, looking at Y/n from the corner of his eye

"...That's what she said-"

She wheezed uncontrollably as Heizou just glared at her while seemingly having an aneurysm.

"For the love of everything that is good and pure..-"

Y/n calmed down a little, wiped the tears in her eyes with her finger, then sat down next to him, "So, what did you call me here for?"

He sat up properly, "Are you feeling better?"

"For the most part. You definitely didn't call me here just to ask that, did you?"

"I may be annoying, but not THAT annoying, Y/n!"

"I don't believe you, but go on"

Heizou smiled then pulled Y/n closer to him and wrapped his arm around her waist, "I have 5 words to say"

"Mhm..Go on"

"Goddamn it, you changed. You don't get flustered easily anymore"

"Those are 10 words"

"That's not what I wanted to say-"

"Those are 7."

"For the love of Barbietoes-"

"I'm messing with you!"

Heizou sighed then held Y/n's, "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/n?"

"...Those are 6 words-"


"You really did fail math class"

"Forget about that-"

Y/n yanked her hand away from Heizou's grip and looked at him in confusion, "No."


His brain was not braining the way his brain was supposed to brain.

He was malfunctioning.

Heizou was confused and felt his heart and brain shatter.

But then, his train of thoughts were interuppted by Y/n bonking him on the head

"Why do you look so sad?" Y/n asked in genuine confusion then showed him the ring he gave her a long time ago


"I'm not gonna be your girlfriend because we're already engaged, no?"


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