Tender Strength | Finale

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Dearest Amelia,

I met a boy many years ago who I've happened to take a liking to.

He was sweet, always getting into trouble, and seldom spoke of his childhood.

I, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with this nation eversince I lost you, as you were the person most important to me.

That boy... He grew on me. I found myself looking forward to see him with each passing day.

And with each passing day, my hatred towards this nation grew more transparent.

I never once thought that I'd be calling this nation "Home".

"But sire! It does not make any sense! There is no reason for the murderer to do this to a person he has no ties to!" Heizou said in the background, holding his work documents to his daughter, who was all dressed up in the sterotypic detective attire.

His little daughter, put her finger on her chin and was thinking of this case, "All the evidence leads to Mista Waltuh! We can onwy move foward and wowk with what we have!"

Y/n couldn't help but smile at their little roleplay, yet she kept her hands held together and her eyes tightly shut, englufing herself again in the little world in which she pushed away her worries into.

The voices of her beloved husband and child quieted down, allowing one sound to swallow up her mind.

All she could hear is the lingering melody playing in her head; the melody her sister once sung to her.

I've done so much wrong in my life. 

I've done the unspeakable, all out of anger and vengefulness. 

I've taken the lives of many in secret, while others held me in high regard, unaware of the things I have done.

It was as if I was possessed by hatred itself, but I could not bear the thought that people like the ones who took my sister from me were roaming the land.

And yet, he still loved me for what I was, and pushed aside the things I've done, as if they did not exist.

He said something to me, and yes, it freaked me out at first.

Mom told me to ask him a question after our wedding, and I did it, despite how outragous it sounded.

I asked, "Heizou, would you love a girl other than me?"

He said yes. He said "Yes, I definitely will"

I could've sworn that mom on the other side of the room almost spit her tea, until he started talking again.

"I will love another girl, and I'll make sure you meet her no matter the cost"

Baffled, I asked, "Why would you want her to meet me?"

He told me, with the sweetest and warmest of smiles, "Because she will love you, and look up to you, and call you mommy"

I'm not sure how much time I spent sitting there, contemplating his answer, but I remember the lights of the estate going off sooner than they should've.

But that was when I became so sure of my feelings; that I love this man with my whole heart.

Speaking of love, I've doubted your judgement of our father many times.

"Daddy? Why is mommy sitting in fwont of auntie's gwave?"

"Let's not disturb her, honey... Ahem- I mean- Sire! What of the records left behind by his son?"

I had barely any memories of our father back then, and I did not believe a word of what you said when you spoke about him so nicely. 

I always blamed him for everything that was happening to you.

I learned way too late that it was not his intention to put us through all those hardships, but it was also his greatest regret.

The day I lost you, I can't help but wonder, what were your thoughts?

Was that smile you had on your face all the time still there?

Were you thinking of how mom and dad would react?

Did you miss me?

I definitely did miss you, and our simpler lives back then.

But the fact that I have long lost you, it will never sit well with me.

I still have nightmares of that sight, the sight of your dead corpse covered up in the police station.

In those nightmares, everyone I know turns into a souless corpse that just stares into mine, trying to take it away.

Am I really so ignorant? or am I living in complete denial?

I can't help but sometimes get indulged in the memories and feelings we shared back home. 

You walking around, surveying the citizens while on patrol, and then me shamelessly running up to you and disturbing you mid-work.

I loved it.

I loved that.

I loved you.

But, I can no longer remember your face.

This weapon you always held, that is the last link I have to you and my home.

And that's okay.

I'm ready to let you go.

Y/n felt a soft hand brushing her cheek with it's ever-so gentle touch, "Don't cwy, mommy"

She looked at her lovely little daughter and her slightly parted lips curved up into a warm smile.

"I love you, Amelia!" She cried in sheer joy and affection, pulling her adorable toddler into her arms. She tried her best to not hug her too hard, as her tears kept rapidly spilling from her two reddened eyes.

Amelia tried hugging and consoling her mother to the best of her ability, but she was so worried that she could not speak a single word.

Heizou was standing behind them, his perfect face was decorated with the warmest and sweetest of smiles as he looked down at his wife and daughter. He crouched down and took his wife's hand in his, and gave her the most tender of kisses on her forehead.

"Come on, sweetheart..." Heizou spoke to her softly, picking up Amelia in his arms, and extending a hand to Y/n to help her stand up, "We can't have the birthday girl be late to her own birthday party, now can we?"

He gave Amelia a kiss on the cheek, and the little girl couldn't help but giggle and say how wet her dad's kisses are.

Y/n wiped her face with her haori's sleeves, slightly getting them wet too. She took her husband's left hand in her own, and felt the coldness of his ring on her palm.

She got back up on her feet, and gave Heizou a little nuzzle on the lip which was followed by a little kiss.

"I love you, Heizou"

He smiled and put a hand over Amelia's eyes, and leaned in for a kiss.



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