Guns And Laces: Chapter 3

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Guns And Laces

The Journey Begins

Chapter Three

"I will burn you, inch by inch, if you so much as think of harming her. I am restrained only as long as she's breathing. After her, I don't guarantee you shit."


"What's the DOJ, again?" I asked Mateo, skimming through the file.

"Eighteenth of October." Mateo answered as he handed me the paperwork.

I took it from him, "Thanks." I said.

I was going through Rheannon's file and all the paperwork that she had filled for joining. From her name to her country of birth, everything was a lie.

"She's faked it all." I said to myself.

"Really?" Mateo asked in surprise.

I looked up at him and nodded my head, "Yeah. I don't know whether to be mad at you for hiring without doing a thorough background check or applaud her for faking it all like a pro."

His blue eyes shone with a hint of fear from behind his black-rimmed spectacles and he looked down in shame.

"Good for you, I am gonna do neither." I said and he instantly looked back at me.

His curly hair were always an amusing sight for me. They reminded me of those awful instant cup noodles Aegeus used to love when he was a kid.

"Instead, I'll just say thank you for hiring her and move on." I said and closed the file.

He appeared stunned at my statement but did not respond.

"On your way out, please ask Tiffany to come and see me right now." I told him.

He took that as his cue to leave and closed the door behind him.

In the moment that I had to myself before Tiffany entered my office, all I could do was stare at the file placed on the table in front of me after reopening it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked myself, absolutely perplexed.

"You asked for me? That's why?" I heard a familiar voice reply.

I glanced up to see Tiffany standing at the door, adjusting her black spectacles that were perched loosely on her nose.

From behind her spectacles, her light blue eyes gazed at me in anticipation, "Is everything alright, Mr. Petrakis?" She questioned, not holding it in anymore.

She was never a patient woman, anyways.

"Yes, take a seat." I gestured my hand towards the chair.

Skeptically, she sat down and peered at me with wide eyes, "Is everything alright?" She asked, again.

I looked at her with a straight face and said, "Would you let me speak?"

She cleared her throat, "Right, sorry."

"There's a new girl, a new stripper." I started to speak.

Her head snapped up at me at the mention of Rheannon.

"What about her?" She asked, cautiously.

"How's she?" I inquired and relaxed back into my seat with my fingers intertwined and elbows perched on the arm rests.

"She, uh, she's new. She's good, still learning." She told me.

I stayed quiet, waiting for her to speak more and she took another glance at me before speaking, "She's gorgeous, honestly. There's been a high demand for her. Very high demand. But since she's new and we don't let new girls offer private shows, the men are disappointed. Nonetheless, she's dragging in new faces every night."

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