Guns And Laces: Chapter 19

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Guns And Laces

Halfway Through

Chapter Nineteen

It was pouring heavily that night and I did not have an umbrella or raincoat. In fact, I did not have anything at all. Not even proper clothes for the weather.

How could I have known that the house I once called home was never mine to begin with. Or my mother was not even my biological mother. Or the father I loved so much did not love me back enough to accept me.

Accept a daughter of a prostitute.

The thought caused an unbearable ache in my chest and I sat down under one of the trees not too far from my…father’s house.

It was almost eleven in the night and by the looks of it, the rain was not going to stop anytime soon.

Tears sprang to my eyes once again as the reality hit me.

I no longer had a home. I was homeless. I was homeless despite having a family but they wouldn’t accept me, will they?

I was already missing Sierra. She must be so upset and mom slapped her, too.

I shrank back further in tree and it scraped my back causing me to hiss but I couldn’t move away either. It was raining too heavily and my body was starting to shiver.

I closed my eyes and hugged myself tightly. A small flicker of hope was still somewhere inside me that maybe dad would come and find me once mom had gone to sleep.

Maybe he will take me somewhere safe? I thought to myself.

With that thought, I got up from under the tree and started to walk closer to the house.

If I am near the house, it will make it easier for dad to see me. He won’t have to walk too far.

I finally settled near a dumpster on the side of the road, it was only a few feet from the house and from what I remembered, we were yet to take the trash out.

Hopefully, dad will be out soon and he will see me.

I don’t know how long I sat there clinging to this hope and finally rested my back against the dumpster before sleep took over.

The violent sound of thunderstorm jolted me awake and I sat up looking around in panic.

It was still raining heavily and though I couldn’t tell what the exact time was, I was sure that it was still a few hours before the sunrise.

My body ached due to sleeping in a bad posture but I couldn’t care less. All I could think in that moment was how foolish I had been to assume that dad would come and get me.

Did he not see me? Did he not step out of the house at all? Had he gone to sleep?

He slept without thinking where and how I would be?

I finally let out the first sob.

“Please, please.” I cried. For what reason? I didn’t know.

I just needed to go home.

And then a thought hit me. School. Yes! I needed to go to School and dad will come to drop Sierra off and take me home with him.

With that thought, I quickly got up and started to walk towards my school which was three miles on foot but I was determined to talk to dad.

Due to the heavy rainstorm, I could barely see anything ahead of me and ended up tripping and failing multiple times. I was pretty sure I had scratched my knee and hand in the process but the only thing I could focus on was reaching to the school as soon as possible.

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