Guns And Laces: Chapter 10

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Guns And Laces

The Journey Begins

Chapter Ten

"You'll be able to catch him over this beautiful, dead fuckin' body. But even then, he will be the one coming after you."


I turned in my sleep and instantly winced as a sharp pain shot up my stomach. My eyes snapped open as I felt soft sheets beneath me, and adjusted to the light in the room.

Where was I?

A slight panic bubbled in my chest but it was gone as soon as it had come.

I recognized the familiar storm grey walls and closed my eyes, trying hard to not let the tears fall.

Why was he doing this?

The last memory that I had was that of falling asleep on the couch. But I also remembered telling him to not stay and lock the door on his way out.

“Oh, Angelo.” I sighed out and rubbed a hand over my face, in distress.

With great difficulty, I got up and went straight to the bathroom. After doing my business, I went to the sink and saw that a fresh towel was resting on top of the counter along with a new toothbrush and some other toiletries.

I have zero clue why my stomach felt a little funny seeing all this. Funny in a good way.

Being cared for was something I had seldom experienced - well, if you count my fellow nurses and doctors asking me about my day and if I would like to grab lunch with them.

Or when I was with my sister.

But it had been a very long time since either of those experiences.

I sighed deeply causing a pain to shoot up my stomach and I instantly clutched it. It was as if someone had delivered a blow to my gut.

After a minute, when I had composed myself, I grabbed the toothbrush and squirted some toothpaste on it.

The images of the night before at my apartment flashed in front of my eyes as soon as I looked in the mirror in front of me.

Everything had gone south a few moments after Angelo had left.

There was a man and a woman - the faces that I had recognized the very moment that they had knocked on my apartment door.

Maybe, I was a fool to let them in.

Maybe, I let them in with the intention of ending it once and for all. But who was I kidding?

Was I really as stupid as to think that they would let me off the hook this easy?

I blinked away the tears and rinsed my mouth before splashing water on my face. The slightest of movements hurt but I could not depend on Angelo.

I was on my own. Even if he brought me here, I eventually have to go back.

I opened a few of the cabinets above the sink and found a first aid kit resting there.

A ghost of a smile appeared on my lips, “I knew you are more than you let on, Angelo.”

I somehow managed to get out of the T-shirt after quite a struggle and cleaned myself as best as I could with a wet towel. I needed to change the bandage so I carefully took off the first one and looked at the nasty bruise in the mirror.

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