Guns and Laces: Chapter 11

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Guns And Laces

Chapter 11

The Journey Begins

"I will burn you, inch by inch, if you so much as think of harming her. I am restrained only as long as she's breathing. After her, I don't guarantee you shit."


I picked her up, placed her in my lap sideways, gently, and wrapped my arms around her.

“That’s self-defence, Anna.”

Despite the fact that her words had sent my mind into a frenzy, I needed to appear calm for her sake.

She shook her head, “I wish it was that easy, Angelo.” She whispered and looked directly in my eyes.

I wished that, too. In fact, I wished nothing more than that, in that moment.

She sniffled and spoke again, “Will you let me go, now?”

I frowned, “What do you mean?”

She gulped and averted her gaze away from me, “I wouldn't want you getting stuck in all this because of me.”

“I can’t especially let you go, now.” I simply answered in a matter of fact tone.

“Why not?” She looked up, her violet eyes appearing more tired than before.

“The government’s involved, Rheannon. The minute you step back in Greece, you will be behind the bars.” I told her.

She paused, bit her bottom lip in thought, and nodded her head, “I am aware of that. They’re already looking for me.”

It was no surprise what she had told me and this very thing added to my list of worries.

“We’ll figure this out.” I tried to reassure her.

She sighed softly, “I don’t want you getting involved in this, why don’t you understand?” She tried to move out of my grasp.

I only tightened my hold, in response to her futile attempt, “I don’t know.” I almost whispered.

“What?” She frowned in confusion.

“I don’t know why I don’t understand your viewpoint. I have no clue why I don’t want to let go of you. I didn’t want to do it yesterday and I don’t want to do it, today or tomorrow, either.”

I watched as goosebumps rose on her skin and she looked away, as if looking away was the best and only possible solution to avoid this situation.

I placed two fingers under her chin and made her look up at me, once again, “Please let me in.”

Violet eyes shone with tears before she finally parted her lips to answer, “This will break your heart, in the end.”

I smiled and shook my head, “I had a broken heart, before I met you.”

A strange emotion flashed in her eyes briefly, “And, now?”

“And now my heart is yours. You claimed all the broken pieces.” I told her while running the tip of my fingers along her back.

To say that she was tongue-tied, for a couple of moments, would be an understatement.

She appeared as if she had seen a ghost.

Seconds, that felt like minutes, passed and she remained still in my hold, “This… is a lot of responsibility.” She whispered.

Responsibility?” I remarked in hilarity at her choice of words.

She nodded her head, “Yes, it is a responsibility.”

“How so?” I asked, still amused.

I tucked her hair behind her ear and caressed her jaw with my thumb, waiting for her to respond.

“To hold somebody’s heart in yours is not easy, it takes courage, it…requires constant tending and love; something so delicate, so fragile can be broken with even the slightest of negligence.”

I smiled slightly at her response, “I am sure it won’t ever come to that.” I said confidently.

She finally lifted her eyes from our hands, that at some point had intertwined on her lap, and looked at my face.

Her eyes roamed my face, never meeting my eyes, as if she was looking at me with a purpose.

For a purpose.

She was tracing every curve, every inch of my face with her eyes and I felt myself slowly being etched on her mind, just like an artist carefully sketches the outline of their first masterpiece.

I had never felt so…exposed in someone’s presence before.

So vulnerable.

I felt as if she was dissecting my soul, inch by inch, layer by layer; I was so caught up in the moment that I did not realise when she had stopped and as soon as her eyes met mine, my heart skipped a beat.

Quite literally.

The moment was so serene that I did not want to interrupt the intensity of it; however, I opened my mouth to speak because if I had not, I may have rushed things.

As if she too, sensing the shift in the air, did not want this silence to be broken, leaned forward and brushed her lips on my left jaw.

I could not speak.

Whatever I wanted to say got stuck at the back of my throat.

In that moment, she had done two things; she had given her consent to give us a chance. And she had preserved the tranquillity of the moment.

She understood that words were not important.

They never truly are; especially when they contradict with our actions.

And the fact that she preferred silence over talking, made her even more desirable.

"She's my woman. Any other man she mentions, she's fuckin' lying."


Song for the Chapter: Treat you better by Shawn Mendes.

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