Guns And Laces: Chapter 16

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Guns And Laces

Halfway Through

Chapter Sixteen

"I will burn you, inch by inch, if you so much as think of harming her. I am restrained only as long as she's breathing. After her, I don't guarantee you shit."


"What do you think?" Mateo asked clicking shut the last slide of PowerPoint.

I nodded once, "This is fine. Anything else you would like to share?"

He looked at me, slightly confused, "I am sorry?"

My jaw ticked and I rose a brow at him, "I asked everyone present in this room to come up with creative ideas for the chain of hotels. Something that benefits our investors; something curated only for them."

"Exclusivity, in simple terms." I added and looked at everyone sitting in the meeting room.

"I was thinking we have seven huge investors on board with us, and our hotel in NYC has seven floors so why don't we dedicate each floor to those investors? As in, add a personal touch based on their preference." Sasha, the creative head, spoke.

"Yeah, like an ode to them or something." Mateo said.

"Mm hmm." Sasha nodded her head and handed him a file.

"This is a list that my team and I have drafted for this purpose. Contains their personal preferences, hobbies, choices of entertainment, etc." She spoke looking at me.

I nodded my head, "I'll look into this and let you know."

"In the meantime, start working on this project with everything that you have so far. Our time frame has shortened, unfortunately, Instead of eight months, we need to have this hotel up and standing within the next six months."

A chorus of murmurs erupted in the room and I slammed my hand on the table, "Does it look like I am done speaking, yet?"

The room fell back into pin-drop silence.

I rested my back against the chair, "I need blueprints, 3D models, design drafts, basically everything for the interior of the hotels. I know the time frame is not...ideal, but that's all we've got." I announced and closed the lid of my laptop before standing up.

I picked up the black folder that Sasha had handed to Mateo, "I'll review these soon and Mateo will get back to you." I said to Sasha and walked out.

My phone vibrated inside my jacket pocket and I took it out to see my sister calling.

"Hey Eirene, how are you?"

A small smile made its way to my lips as soon as she spoke, "I am well, how are you? Are you at the office? Did I disturb you?"

I chuckled, "No, not all. You could never disturb me, little angel. But yes, I am at the office, just finished a meeting."

"In that case, I won't take much of your time. I just wanted to remind you that Ophelia's birthday is next week, you'll be here, right?"

"Yes, why are you even asking?" I entered my office and placed the file on the desk before taking off my suit jacket.

"Just confirming. You came to Greece and didn't even bother stopping by?" She complained.

I sighed, "I know, I am sorry. I was there for only a day and a night, it was urgent business matter and I had to rush back to NYC. My work schedule's quite packed."

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