Guns And Laces: Chapter 12

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Guns And Laces

The Journey Begins

Chapter 12

Third Person’s POV:

The sound of a slap ricocheted off the hall room walls. Kian did not protest; in fact, a moment later, he straightened up his posture and faced forward, just like he did before the heavy impact of the slap forced his face to move sideways.

There were about twelve people in the room including Kian, yet the deafening silence was so loud that one would hear if any of them dared to breathe louder than usual.

“One ordinary girl.” A gruff sound echoed through the room and all eyes were fixated on the tall man standing in the centre of the grand room towering over Kian.

“One fuckin’ ordinary girl was so hard for you to capture? You foolish boy you could not follow a simple fuckin’ instruction!” The man roared in anger.

The girl standing next to Kian flinched at the tone of the man’s voice but quickly composed herself when he cut her a sharp glance.

From her peripheral vision, she glared at Kian; her brother, who stood like he had no care in the world.

“I instructed you to fuckin’ kidnap and bring her here but what did you do? You tortured her, maybe even murdered her, and then left her there. What if she had called the fuckin’ cops?” The man now ran a hand through his grey hair and sat down on the chair behind him.

“But she cannot call the cops. Can she, father?” Kian finally spoke meeting the eyes of the man who was his father.

His father’s rage that had toned down only a moment ago, came back simmering with full force.

“THIS IS NOT GREECE!” His voice thundered while everyone else simply watched the scene unfold.

“She can call the cops - we already know about her - so she’s clearly not worried about her identity or other information being revealed. And this is not Greece, we cannot punish her here. She has to be taken back there, where she killed your brother!”

“Why not here?” Kian’s dark eyes stormed.

“Because we don’t rule the government here, Kian. She needs to be taken back so she can be punished by the law.”

“Punished by the law?!” Kian asked incredulously and then started to chuckle in disbelief.

“Law? Are you serious?” He repeated his question after a few minutes of silence from his father.

“Indeed.” Jonas replied.

“Why bring the law in the middle of this when we can simply finish her here?” Kian asked cautiously.

“Do you know what’s the punishment of murder in Greece? She’ll be behind the bars for the rest of her life.” Her father stated, his eyes were focused on the wall in front of him as if he was thinking something.

“And?” Kian urged.

He could sense the shift in his father’s body language.

“I will not let that girl get away with the murder of my son with only a simple life imprisonment.” He spoke quietly.

Kian’s left eye narrowed, “What do you intend to do?”

“She will die in the prison.” His father spoke so casually that for a moment Kian thought as if they were speaking about the weather.

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