The Cat-eyed Warlock

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Alec Lightwood was just returning from hunting a particularly vicious Ravener demon in Central Park, when he saw a flicker of movement in the bushes. Something about the weight of the flicker caught his attention and he stalked forward, his bow raised, an arrow nocked on the string. Suddenly the bush exploded in a flash of light and Alec was thrown backwards into a park bench, his bow cracked and broken. He only had time to look up before a huge Ravener demon leapt across the calm, green lawn, it's eyes evil and malice-filled, jaws dripping ichor and hungry for flesh. As it reached the bench, a sudden ball of fire flew over Alec's head, so close he could feel the heat emanating from the surrounding air, and hit the foul creature, causing it to explode into fragments of burning flesh and ichor. Alec winced as the acidic gloop touched his skin; demon ichor burned like hydrochloric acid and he had somehow lost his stele. Turning his attention away from his burns, he looked up to see a man wearing midnight blue silk waistcoat, black textured pantaloons and delicate white tights beneath. His hair was highly coiffured and stuck up in sharp points over his head, and he wore thick black eyeliner, framing golden cat's eyes.

"Are you okay down there?" Asked the man, " I am Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn, nice to meet you Mr..?"
"Oh, erm, sorry.Thank you Mr Bane. Alec Lightwood" He shook Magnus' hand, beautifully bejewelled with many exquisite rings and bracelets, so many it was almost cumbersome.
"Don't you Nephilim go round in flocks usually?" Enquired the warlock, quite dashing actually, thought Alec. His hair and eyeliner added a sort of comical bravado to the whole look, greatly improved by the Victorianesque outfit.
"Erm... yeah." He replied awkwardly " I was supposed to be checking out a family dinner, but this Ravener demon came and... yeah"
" I don't suppose you would fancy a drink back at my place would you?" Offered Magnus " I could easily magic up a few Martinis"
"That's very kind, but... I really have to yeah. See you around"
"Yes, nice meeting you Mr Lightwood" Magnus was in truth a little miffed that Alec hadn't stayed, as he had taken a liking to him. But then again, he thought, Caterina had told him to stop inviting handsome men around for cocktails. TBC

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