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Alec rushed out of the Institute and hailed a cab outside the Pizza Hut down the road.
"Central Park please" he said, carefully lowering himself into the seat, in an attempt to keep his painstakingly chosen clothes tidy. The journey passed excruciating slowly, as he stared out of the grimy window onto the busy streets filled with mundanes scurrying around like ants.
When he eventually arrived at Central Park, he pressed some dollar bills into the drivers outstretched hand and virtually leapt out the cab, thanking the man,who chuckled quietly at the his haste. Alec strode across the moonlit grass as slowly as he could, trying to still his pounding heart, and push down the slight feeling of nausea which was creeping up into his throat. Suddenly, he felt the buzz of his phone; the alarm meaning it was exactly seven. As he reached to turn it off, he heard the rushing of a portal and Magnus Bane appeared, sitting on a picnic blanket surrounded by an assortment of sandwiches, salads and a cocktail table. As usual, he had his eyeliner and spiked hair, but today he also wore a glittery trench coat and a pair of pretty outrageous pink ripped jeans.
"Alexander!" Magnus said from his sumptuous creation, "This is different to the last time we met here"
"Indeed" Alec looked happier than had in a long time, "This looks amazing"
"Come and eat!" Magnus gestured to the space next to him as Alec sat down.
"So, how long have you been High Warlock of Brooklyn?" asked Alec, trying to break the silence
"About three hundred years" said Magnus, watching as Alec's eyes widened
After that, they talked about anything and everything. Alec told of the time when he had got stuck in the Consul's office, aged five, and had to wait for hours to be let out because he was too short to reach the door knob, and Magnus explained the details of his ban from Peru, and what had caused this punishment. When the food was gone, silence fell for a while before Magnus turned to Alec, "You're so come you're not involved with someone "  Alec blushed and mumbled something and Magnus's breath caught in his chest. Had Alexander been in a relationship before?
"So is this your first date?" The warlock asked tentatively, trying not to scare him off.
"Yeah," said Alec, still blushing, "can we go... you know, slowly?"
"Yes, of course we can Alexander, I would never want you to feel pressured to do anything you weren't ready for"
Alec smiled at him, a smile full of gratitude, and, as his eyes met Magnus's, for a fleeting moment, Magnus felt a connection. Maybe this could work out after all.
They talked for another hour, the conversation flowing freely, as though they had known each other for their whole lives, Magnus occasionally moving closer to Alec until they lay down next to each other, staring up at the infinite blackness peppered with shining stars.
"It's a bit like humanity, the sky, isn't it?" Alec said, turning to Magnus, "All that blackness, with the occasional star. Stars like you" Magnus smiled, "I'm not the only star, you know" he looked across at Alec and slowly inched his hand down to the other boy's. Alec started as they touched, but immediately relaxed, smiling such a radiant smile, Magnus felt his heart strain inside his chest.
"You don't mind how old I am, do you?" the warlock asked, voicing the little doubt nagging inside his brain
"No!" Alec looked shocked, "That makes no difference to what I feel for you, whatsoever"
Magnus felt himself relax, last time he had broken that news to a date, they had thrown water over him and walked out.
Soon, both of them were getting a little tired and Alec got up from the remains of the picnic, feeling slightly lightheaded and very happy.
"I think I should probably get back to the Institute, Jace and Izzy will be wondering what I have got up to"
"Let me portal you there" said Magnus, blue magic appearing at the tips of his fingers, as he waved his arms and created a shining golden door in the air.
"Thank you, Magnus, tonight was really wonderful. Maybe we can see each other again soon" He stepped through the portal and found himself in his bedroom, feeling very happy, and only the tiniest bit nauseous. As the portal closed behind him, he thought he heard Magnus I would love that Alexander.

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