Ice cream

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The sun was setting over the calm blue sea, gently lapping the pebbles, as Magnus and Alec sat on a blanket. They had eaten ice cream, Magnus choosing Rocky road flavour and Alec going for his usual Vanilla. His boyfriend had attempted to get him something more interesting, but he had defended his choice, although some glitter had found its way inside the cone.
"Magnus?" Alec said. He was lying on his stomach looking out across the vast expanse of the ocean with Magnus next to him.
"Yes, Alexander. What is it?" Magnus replied turning towards the Shadowhunter
"I was thinking-" he began, but was cut off by Magnus kissing him.
"You were saying?" Magnus asked, the setting sun sparking off his glittery eyeshadow, making it look as though he was glowing
"I was thinking maybe we should get back, because I didn't tell Jace where I was going, so he'll probably be worried"
"Well, we don't want Blondie to freak out" Magnus sighed and sat up.
"Magnus, I swear Jace doesn't freak out'"

"Isabelle! I'm freaking out!" Jace shouted, looking behind the curtain
"Jace, Alec is not going to be behind the curtain" she stood in the door, her arms crossed, a smirk spreading across her face, "I will be ready to bet that he is with Magnus"
"No, he'd say so. Wouldn't he?" Jace stopped. "If he isn't back by 10:00pm we will officially freak out, okay?" Isabelle said, patting Jace on the shoulder
"No buts. I am not going to have you ruin Alec's date if he's on one" Isabelle said, firmly as Jace got his phone out "What are you doing?"
"I am setting an alarm for 10:00pm, so of he isn't back by then, we can freak out on time" Jace said, a triumphant grin on his face.

"Alec, you do realise that we could just send him a fire message, don't you?" Magnus pointed out, "Unless you would like to get back, which I totally understand"
"No, I want to stay here with you for ever more, basking in evening sun...which has just set" Alec mumbled from under a blanket.
"Okay, one fire message coming up" Magnus replied, the familiar blue sparks flying from his finger tips as he wrote in the air.  After a moment, he flicked it into the sky.

" OUT!" Jace screamed, and stopped as a piece of burning paper flew towards him. "Isabelle, fear not, we have a fire message from our lovely brother..." he paused to read it
"Wonderful, what did I say?" His sister said, gleefully. Jace glared furiously at the message
"I think this is from Magnus" he fumed, "Listen: 'Hey, Blondie, just to say, I have got Alexander. He tells me to say he's safe, but I have been unpredictable in the past...  Hopefully won't see you, signed Magnus Bane, High Warlock Of Brooklyn' Blondie! I'm going to talk to Alec about suitable boyfriends!"
"Chill, bro" Isabelle soothed in an annoyingly calm voice, walking over to the door slowly.
"But-but....but..." Jace sighed and walked away, leaving his sister looking very smug. Sometimes things were better left alone.

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