The Tortures of Love

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As Alec stumbled into his bedroom, he felt a little less incredibly nauseous than he had last time. However, he still made sure he had a clear path to the bathroom just in case.  After seeing Magnus, he felt very conflicted over his feelings and desperately regretted snapping at the warlock. Anyway, there was no use in denying it: he had feelings for Magnus, whether he liked it or not and that, put together with The Whole William Davenport Palava, that would mean he was... gay? He was just pondering on it when he realised he was not going to escape the after effects of the portal after all,and rushed to the the bathroom.

In the early hours of Saturday morning, he awoke from disturbed dreams and looked at his phone. It said there was a missed call from Magnus Bane. He ignored it. After making himself a cup of tea and a piece of toast with jam, he sat on his unmade bed and tried to think of how to tell his brother and sister about his sexuality.  He was still thinking about it, when Jace came in grinning from ear to ear, dressed in his pyjamas.
"Soooo... how'd it go?" He asked, grinning insanely, a little like a clown, " your 'not date' with Magnus?"
Alec blushed, "It wasn't a date" he hesitated before continuing, "Jace... I-I think I'm gay. And Magnus... I really feel something for him"
Jace looked ecstatic, and then saw Alec's face. He was looking down at the ground and a tear rolled down his cheek and splashed onto the polished wooden floorboards.
"Oh, Alec! What is it?" said Jace leaning in and hugging him. He hated seeing his parabatai looking so miserable
"I told him" Alec sniffled into Jace's shoulder " to portal me back here. I left him."
"That doesn't mean you can't make it up to him. Or make out with him for that matter"
Alec relaxed against Jace's shoulder a little wiping his tears and straightening up. "Okay, I will go and apologise then" he said, surprising his parabatai.
"You will?" Said Jace, his mouth a round O of surprise. Alec got up, walked to the door and was about to go out, when Jace interrupted him
"If I were you, I might be inclined to put a shirt on" he said a smile playing around his lips. Alec blushed, and hastily rummaged in his closet for a shirt.

Magnus was an early riser usually, but today he just didn't want to get up and face the cold breath of reality. Alec had rejected him. Chairman Meow was hungry and paced the bottom of his bed impatiently until Magnus felt the anger rising up in his chest and with a wave of his arms, the Chairman was thrown out of the room and the door slammed behind him, a yowl of discontentment following him into the corridor. Just as Magnus was about to go back to sleep, he heard an angry knocking on his door
"WHO DARES TO DISTURB THE HIGH WARLOCK OF BROOKLYN IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS MUCH NEEDED SLEEP?" he demanded as he got out of bed and opened the door, "PREPARE TO FACE ETERNAL TORMENT IN..." he froze "Alexander"
"I didn't realise I was that scary!" said the boy, his hair adorably ruffled. Magnus' heart broke.

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