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Magnus froze and stared at Alec for an uncomfortably long time before opening the door and letting him in.
"I didn't expect to see you here Alexander" he managed to say. Alec had rejected him, why come back now? Maybe he had come to tell him to keep away from him forever more. Nope, he wouldn't do that. Would he? Magnus was brought back to the present when Alec started talking
"Look, I am really sorry about last night, I just lost it. I shouldn't have been so abrupt, I didn't know what to do-"
"It's fine" Magnus tried to say
"I was just struggling with my sexuality and I didn't know how to react-"
"Alexander, it's okay-"
"Magnus I really like you" Alec finished, blushing crimson and staring down at the floor. Magnus was completely thrown.
"You are gay?" He asked carefully, regaining his composure a little
"I think so, I mean, I..."
"You're not sure?" Magnus asked, starting to understand the boy's position. Alec nodded "That's fine. I don't blame you, by the way, I was a bit forward actually"
"Well, I wondered if ... if... if you maybe wanted to go on a date" Alec said, the colour rising in his cheeks again
"Yes!" said Magnus, obviously delighted at this turn of events, "Where shall we go? Venice? Eating prawns and champagne on a gondola? I know, the Eiffel Tower! We can-"
"Or we can simply go to Taki's? Lucian Graymark's place down on the docks"
"Okaaaayy. Because when I think of romantic, I think of an old Chinese tavern run by werewolves"
"Fine, let's go to Wayne's Café next to Brooklyn Bridge" said Alec, smirking slightly, knowing Magnus's answer
"Okay, okay. Taki's it is then" Magnus shuddered at the memory of his last encounter with the grey green chips and frankly poisonous fish that Wayne's Café sold. "Or we could go to Central Park? It was where we met after all. I could probably conjure up a picnic and some alcohol, what do you think?"
"Sounds wonderful, Magnus" Alec beamed, his shyness vanishing for a moment
"I'll see you there around seven then"
As Alec walked towards the door, he turned on his heel as if to say something, but changed his mind, and virtually skipped down the steps onto the pavement, where he took off running down the street. Although he was glamoured to mundanes, Magnus could still see him, and watched him through the window until he was out of sight. The warlock took a deep breath and approached the wardrobe. After all, this was a big moment as far as clothing was concerned.

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