Caterina Loss

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Magnus was restless. He couldn't work out quite why, he just felt unsettled. Maybe it was the rogue warlock who he should have brought in but couldn't find, or just the grey weather. He usually found eating helped with this, so he ordered three large pizzas from the vampire Quinn's pizza restaurant, then remembered that they wouldn't be able to deliver them until nightfall, when it was dark.
He was torn between sobbing and throwing a tantrum, but luckily the doorbell rang before he could do either. He didn't technically have a doorbell, but he knew it was Caterina's speciality to make doorbell noises whenever she went to someone's house, and then grill them about it. Magnus walked over slowly, not really wanting her to come in as she would probably start making him clean his apartment or... something.
"Magnus, how are you?" Her warlock mark was bright blue skin and white hair, which was not an easy one to hide.
"Wonderful. No, Magnusificent!" He said letting her in
"Pride comes before a fall, Mags" she warned sitting on the couch
"I am too amazing to fall!" He said, tripping slightly on the blanket which Alec had cast aside during their earlier activities.
"Evidently" she laughed, "How are you actually?"
"Fine" he replied, "what about you?"
"I can feel you're skipping my question, let me just be extra sure" she said, starting to wave her hands
"No! Don't"he began, but Cat had already drawn a bubble of memory from his head and pushed it into the air. Magnus watched in agony as he brushed Chairman Meow, fell off the sofa with Alec and looked away as Alec kissed him and he kissed Alec back.
"Cat, please" he begged
"Okay" she waved the memory back into his head.
"Why today?" He asked, blushing embarrassed
"Are you-is Magnus Bane blushing?" She said, feigning shock
"Anyway, can we please not talk about my personal love life?" He asked slightly hopeless
"No chance. Who is he?" She demanded, Magnus sighed
"Alexander Lightwood, son of Robert and Maryse Lightwood"
"A Shadowhunter? Please don't let this be another William Herondale, that took all my energy to comfort you and protect Tessa"
"I...I don't know. He is...not like anyone I've met before. He-he is different" he stuttered
"Okay, that is another William Herondale. Ask Ragnor for comfort this time"
"You know Ragnor will just tease me. Anyway, it might last"
"Magnus, be real, he is mortal. What happens when he dies?"
"I die with him?" He suggested
"Oh Mags, I thought your suicidal phase was over. I mean, after Camille, I thought you were living happily with a lust for life"
"Sorry, it was only a suggestion"
"Okay, But I would like an explanation as to why you asked him to stop when it got heated"
"I don't know exactly. I just...I didn't want him to become another one night hookup, I guess. But please can we not talk about my love life?"
"Sorry Mags, you know it is better to talk about these things"
"Okay, just...another question and I will personally blast you out the door"
"Chill" she chuckled
"Sorry, Cat"
"Okay, I think I will probably head off now, Tessa said I should catch that little buggar Mr Rey"
"I was going to do that, but okay"
"I'll see you around. Hopefully not in any illegal shadow markets"
"Mind you, there is a vampire down in East Dakota who runs a pretty tight ship in the blood trade..." Magnus tailed off, "Okay, see you"
"But please Mags, if you do keep it up with the Shadowhunter don't expect me to comfort you when he dies"
"Don't worry, I would never expect kindness from the Iron Lady"

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