Rocking the Boat

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Alec ate and drank until he was feeling very full and a bit lightheaded. The sun had set, so Magnus had flicked his wrist and some lamps appeared on the prow and stern of the boat, causing the gentle candle light to reflect off the water, casting dappled shadow across the faces of the two men. As Alec sat on the cushions in the bottom of the boat, he watched Magnus. The warlock was deep in thought, gazing out across the wide expanse of ocean, the reflected candle light showing up his beautifully contoured cheekbones and golden eyes. Alec went to reproach himself for thinking like that, and realised how many times he had had to. Why did he keep on? Ever since he met Magnus he had felt a pull towards him. A bit like what Jace called The Whole William Davenport Palava. In short, there was this boy called William Davenport at the Shadowhunter Academy who Alec had been partnered with while sword fighting, probably because Will had been the only person who had been as bad as Alec at using a seraph blade. After a while, Alec had started to have feelings for him which he had denied vehemently when Jace had interrogated him about it, but they were still there. He supposed it would pass but it never did; only after he graduated, did he stop thinking about Will.
" Why did you ask me if I wanted to come over for cocktails?" He asked suddenly, looking over at Magnus
" I..." He stopped and looked at Alec, trying to work out how to phrase it, " I like you Alexander." Alec's heart jumped into his throat and he suddenly felt as though he couldn't breathe, but he kept watching Magnus as the warlock continued. "It has been a long time since I felt this way about anyone. Centuries even, you have unlocked something in me"
Alec wanted to say something kind, say he thought he maybe liked him too, but what came out was far from it.
"Get me a portal back to the Institute" he looked at Magnus and felt a pang at his hurt expression, "look, I just can't deal with this right now: Get me back to the Institute"
Blue sparks glowed at Magnus's fingertips and with a wave of his arms, he created a golden gateway in the air. As Alec stepped through it, Magnus looked away and got ready to portal himself back to his apartment, leaving the Midnight Scorpion to drift into the night, the candlelight giving it a sickeningly joyful feel.
Just as he stepped through, he turned and impulsively shot a ball of fire at the craft, incinerating it in minutes. He wanted no trace of this night.

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