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Magnus was just sitting down to brush his cat when he heard a knock on the door. He got up slowly, expecting to be faced with a young warlock but he was met with a surprise. Alexander.
"Hello Alexander" Magnus winked, and let him in. The boy smiled, touching Magnus's heart as always with his unfiltered radiance,
"Hi Magnus"
"How are you after your ordeal?" Magnus asked, offering tea and biscuits which Alec declined
"Oh, I am fine. And...I-I never really got to thank you. Otherwise I would be... dead"
"Oh Alexander, it was my pleasure. Anyway, I also need to track down Mr Rey. He has committed a serious offence and I shall need to banish him to the Spiral Labyrinth"
"That doesn't sound nice. Is it literally a spiral labyrinth?" Alec asked
"Yes. Full of slimy oozy things and cobwebs and slugs" Magnus replied shivering slightly at the idea of slugs.
"Urm... not exactly. If you are banished there for an offence such as committed by Lorenzo, you do generally get put in the less desirable end, where I think Tessa did place a number of... creatures." He shuddered again
"Are you scared of them, Magnus?" Alec asked, suspiciously
"No!" The warlock said, a little too quickly
"You are scared of-of...slimy creatures!"
"They are rather gross, and..." he sighed, "they are slugs" At this Alec burst out laughing, making the sofa creak worryingly
"Mind the couch-" said Magnus as it gave an extra large squawk and one of the legs gave way, jolting them onto the floor.
"I am so sorry" said Alec, scrambling up and looking suddenly like a nervous lanky 15 year old.
"It is fine, Alexander" replied Magnus, snapping his fingers and reattaching the broken leg, "I have had this since the 1700s, I am surprised it has lasted this long"
Alec relaxed as they sat back down and Magnus offered him another biscuit, which he declined again. He looked across at Magnus, who was stroking Chairman Meow as the cat purred loudly, enjoying the attention. The warlock had such perfect cheekbones and gentle golden eyes, Alec wanted nothing more than to lean across and press his mouth to those beautiful full lips, breathe in the sweet strawberry cinnamon smell of him and the bittersweet blueberry coconut taste of his mouth, and feel the tender -
"Alec, are you alright?" Magnus's voice brought him out of his trance, to start blushing furiously
"Yeah, you're... you're just so beautiful" he mumbled, feeling the crimson starting to disappear from his cheeks
"Alexander, look at me," Magnus demanded, reaching up to a cup Alec's face in his palm. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, and even the most beautiful star couldn't rival your eyes"
Alec blushed and looked at Magnus, his blue eyes flicking towards his lips, as the warlock leaned in to crush his mouth onto Alec's soft pink lips. Alec felt the kiss explode into heavenly clouds of passion, Magnus nipping at his bottom lip with his teeth and his caramel hands pushing up Alec's t-shirt and sending shivers over his skin. Magnus could taste the perfect lemon-raspberry flavour of Alec's lips, as he slid his tongue into the boy's mouth. The warlock pushed him over onto the couch, not daring to break the kiss, and propped himself up on his elbows, feeling Alec's hands push up under his shirt, running over his chest and stomach, making electricity dance wherever he touched him. Eventually Magnus realised he had to come up for air and broke the kiss,gasping for oxygen. Alec looked disappointed, but Magnus pressed his lips back onto the other boy's, feeling as if Alec was the only air he would need, like he could breathe him in, let him fill his lungs. Alec felt Magnus's tongue intertwined with his own, the warlock shivering as he lightly brushed his hands over Magnus's back and across his chest. Magnus had never felt like this in all his life, out of his thousands of relationships, many lovers, none of them had been so gentle. They had all wanted him for sex, but Alexander was different, he wanted Magnus for who he was. Magnus tried to concentrate, but he just felt himself slipping into Alec. Alec's hands on his back, Alec's lips caressing his, Alec's hands on his belt buckle...wait what? He sat up and the boy looked suddenly scared.
"Did I do something wrong?" Alec asked, his voice shaking as he stood up, his jet black hair ruffled irreparably.
"No, far from it. I just..." Magnus wondered how to phrase it, "I just worry that once we... if we rush into this, I may lose you. And... I have never felt this way about anyone before"
"Okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have- it was stupid of me to-"
"No it's fine, I just think we should maybe slow down" Magnus politely looked away as Alec blushed
"Magnus, I wanted to ask you something" Alec said tentatively, regaining his dignity
"Ask away, you can say anything you want" Magnus replied, turning to the boy
"Can I...can we be officially boyfriends?"
"I would love that Alexander, of course we can" Magnus smiled kindly, letting down his glittery façade. He wasn't sure why, but he just trusted this boy.
"I should go you know" Alec said suddenly, "Isabelle will put me on ichor duty if I come back too late"
Magnus opened the door for him and Alec placed a gentle kiss on his lips before disappearing down the corridor, Magnus watching through the window as he strolled down the street.
"You don't deserve him, Magnus" a nasty little voice in the back of his head whispered
"No" he said aloud trying to convince himself, "I do"

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