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Alec awoke to find himself in his clean white bed with fresh pyjamas and a cracking headache. He remembered something to do with whiskey and a warlock, a very attractive warlock and... No! Alexander Gideon Lightwood was straight as an arrow! He looked at his quiver instinctively and saw...a bent arrow. When he had surprised Magnus Bane in Central Park, the warlock had thrown him backwards into a bench where he had cracked his bow irreparably and bent or broken all his arrows, not to mention hurting Alec himself.
"How are we doing?" His sister came in sporting a very visible hickey.
"Fine. What- what happened?" He asked, wanting to know whether he did anything he would regret now.
"Sooo... you drank six whiskeys according to Magnus Bane, before standing up on the bar stool and telling everyone you would undress and bathe in a bath of beer. Then you fell off the stool and passed out. Anything to confess?"
"Whoa! Please don't let me get like that again. Unless you would rather be making out with illiterate Seelies. Your choice"
" When you start telling me about your personal life, I'll tell you about mine" said Isabelle, and took out her phone, "The only way I could get Mr Bane to help me take you back was to give him your number. Sorry"
His sister left the room and he heard her high heels tapping away into the distance. Alec groaned and rubbed his forehead, he was seriously hungover.

After he had vomited up the last of the night's alcohol, he had a shower and got dressed in something respectable and looked at his phone. His eyebrows shot up. He had three missed calls and six texts from a certain Magnus Bane.

Magnus to Alec:
Hope you are okay after falling from the bar stool. Xxx😘

You must have a dreadful hangover🤮😖

Do u fancy cocktails round at my place when you have recovered? 🍸🙂

Did u know you said I was sexy last night?😘

Sorry, ignore that😀

Come round to mine at some point!

Alec read each one carefully before answering
with chosen words. He liked this warlock and he felt himself wishing to impress.

Alec to Magnus:
Yh, I am fine. Thx. I would love to come round for drinks sometime, when r u free?

Why did Magnus keep putting heart eyes and kisses? It made an unwelcome shiver crawl up his spine... He wasn't sure why he wanted to see him, he just did, and men could have male friends without being gay, right? As he thought, his phone made a weird robot noise and he almost jumped out of his skin.  A new text from Magnus.

Magnus to Alec:
Wonderful!🥰 Would Friday work?

Alec to Magnus:
Yh. See u 😍

Alec to Jace:
Get off my phone! 🦆🦆🦆

Jace to Alec:
Works both ways! 🤬🤖

Alec sighed. Although he loved Jace with all his heart and would die protecting him, he seemed to have a certain skill in pissing people off.

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