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Magnus and Alec stepped out of the portal into the crowded bustling streets of Florence, Magnus keeping his balance marginally better than his boyfriend.
"Ah! Italy at it's best" sighed the warlock, breathing in the heavy scent of sunshine, garlic and bougainvillea flowers and people.
"I've never been to Italy" Alec said, looking around him. They were in the middle of a marketplace with stalls piled high with delicious looking fruit and vegetables and many, many people rushing about. On their left was a beautiful, old, stone building with a sign outside with gold lettering. Alec wasn't sure what it said, but he guessed it was the restaurant Magnus was taking him to. They wove their way through the people and entered the restaurant. As the crowds cleared, Alec could see tables with white damask tablecloths and people sitting in fancy clothes. He looked down at himself, in black, ripped skinny jeans and a dark grey 'Pan!c at the Disco' t shirt and began to wish he had taken Magnus's advice  and worn something a little more interesting. He glanced at his boyfriend and saw he was wearing an exquisite black waistcoat and red knee length pantaloons with dark orange tights underneath.
A smartly dressed waiter, who had just come to attend to them started talking in Italian. Alec could identify many demonic scriptures, but this made no sense to him.
"Bane" Magnus said, seemingly calm, but Alec saw his hands were sparking very slightly. Something he had noticed happened when Magnus was nervous.
The waiter lead the way to an outside table with a perfect view of the sea. Alec gingerly sat down, slightly worried he would dirty his seat. There were crisp napkins and crystal glasses on their table, and a small candle burned in a bowl in the middle.
The waiter presented Alec and Magnus with cream coloured menus with gold twiddly writing across them.
"Do you speak Italian?" Magnus asked Alec, once the waiter had left
"Um..." Alec blushed, "No, but I think I know what the foods are"
"Sorry, I maybe shouldn't have brought you somewhere you could speak the language"
"Well, we are going to be very popular with Luke then" Alec laughed, and shuddered "Although there are only so many wontons you can actually eat"
They both burst out laughing and some of the other couples sat nearby stared at them.
"Shhh! We are being looked at!" Alec said in panic
"Oh no!" Magnus teased, then realised Alec was serious, and looked at his menu,  embarrassed.
"Shall I order for you?" the warlock asked eventually
"Oh, yes please. If you don't mind" Alec said, relieved, "I think I'm going to have the tagliatelle"
"Good choice. I'm going for the spaghetti carbonara. Fancy drinks?"
"Um, I don't really drink unless I can help it" Alec squirmed, "but why not? I'll have a glass of champagne"
"No! Alexander. I don't want you to feel like you are forced to do anything" Magnus said, looking slightly shocked.
"Okay, can I have some water, then" Alec asked, putting his menu down.
"Of course"
The waiter came over again and Magnus ordered, his Italian perfect to the letter.
"How do you speak such amazing Italian?" Alec teased, as the waiter walked away
"Practice makes perfect, Alexander" Magnus smiled enigmatically and looked at Alec
"What?" asked the Shadowhunter, confused
"Nothing, just the radiance of your outstanding beauty" Magnus replied, causing a red flush to creep across Alec's pale cheeks.
"Stop it! Your making me blush!" Alec mumbled, the crimson increasing.
"You're cute when you blush, Alexander" Magnus said,
"Noooooo!" Alec cried, covering his face in his napkin. A minute later, their food arrived and Alec was forced to resurface,
"Bon appetite" Magnus said, sprinkling seasoning on his pasta
"Even I know we're in the wrong country" Alec laughed
"Well, if I said it in Italian you wouldn't understand, would you?" Magnus pointed out
"Well, I..." Alec sighed, "wouldn't"
They ate in silence for the rest of the meal, occasionally commenting on their food.
When the waiter took their empty plates away and came back with a dessert menu, Alec realised he knew nothing about Italian desserts.
"Um, Magnus" he asked quietly, "Do you think you could..." he indicated to his menu
"Tell you what they are?" Alec nodded
"Okay, so there's tiramisu, which is like sponge fingers with cream and coffee,"
"Oh, I think I might have that" Alec said, looking down at his menu "Or actually... no, I think I'll have ice cream"
"Or we could get a cone down by the sea?" Magnus suggested
"That sounds lovely Magnus" Alec said and looked into his boyfriend's beautiful golden cat's eyes.
"Alec, why do Shadowhunters always forget the most important part of the creation of Jonathan Shadowhunter?"
"What part?" Asked Alec, confused
"The part where he makes all his descendants incredibly hot" Magnus finished, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Alec blushed
"I told you to stop making me blush, Magnus" Alec said, hiding behind the dessert menu.
"And I told you you're cute when you blush" Magnus carefully pulled the menu away from Alec and was about to kiss him when the waiter came up and cleared his throat. Both alec and Magnus looked embarrassed, Alec turning crimson. The warlock asked for the bill and paid with a handful of freshly 'minted' (AKA conjured) notes. They got up and walked out into the thinning crowds, headed for the beach, Alec catching hold of Magnus's hand.
"Italy is almost as beautiful as you, you know" Alec said, looking at Magnus and thinking how stunning he looked. The evening sun was reflecting off his cheekbones and filtering through his hair, turning it a deep, rich, golden, a little like his extraordinary eyes.
"And you're saying" Magnus replied, turning to Alec. As they reached an empty alleyway, Alec pulled Magnus inside and pushed him against the wall, connecting his mouth to Magnus's and feeling the warlock's hands clasped around the back of his neck, his soft lips nipping at his and he pulled him in by the belt loops to close the space between their bodies. Magnus broke the kiss to nip gently at Alec's neck, feeling the soft skin beneath his mouth, and bit harder, wanting to leave a mark. Alec groaned and, as Magnus let go, he crushed his lip's against the warlock's, wanting to breathe him in, never to let go. Eventually, however, they broke apart
"Ice creams" Alec said, remembering
"Ice creams" Magnus repeated, slightly dizzy with joy and wondering whether he was dreaming, "Yes"

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