Blackness descends

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Caterina knew what happened even before she left the house. Magnus must have broken up with the Will Herondale lookalike. This would call for emergency measures and she had to keep Ragnor bloody Fell out of the way. He would only make things  a million times worse.

"Alec! Where are you?" Jace called and spotted his sister, "Izzy, have you seen Alec?"
"Yeah, he's locked himself in his room for the last seven hours. I can't get him to talk" Her hair was slightly frizzy around the edges and she looked a bit harassed
"Oh no. What is it? No I know what it is. I asked him about his love life today and he just shut me out"
"Are you saying that he..." A look of fierce defiance came over Isabelle's face
"Broke up with Magnus? Yeah" Jace grimaced, "How do we comfort Alec about this? Like, it hasn't happened before"
"I think I should work out what happened through that warlock first" Isabelle started to march away, her heels tapping on the cold stone floor of the Institute as she disappeared.

"Magnus! I swear I will turn you into a chameleon if you don't open the door" Caterina shouted through the keyhole. She heard him swear profusely in Indonesian, something she had grown to recognise
"Get out Cat, I don't need your endless bossiness" Magnus growled
"Come on, I've been practicing that chameleon spell, you know. Five...four...three...two....half...o-"
"Okay, come in then" Magnus scowled and flicked the door open a black flame shooting into the wall accidentally
"Magnus! Was that..."
"Black. Yeah" he sighed, "What did you come for?"
"Mags, we are going to have to see Tessa about this, she's the only one who knows about the whole evil father thing"
"Evil demon father. If it was just a normal evil father, I could ask Clary"
"Stop joking, do you want to tell anyone where you're going?"
"No" Magnus said petulantly, "There's no one to tell" at this, Caterina remembered why she was came in the first place
"Well don't say I didn't tell you"
"You didn't tell me"
"Magnus! I said he would be another Herondale" she sighed
"He is a Lightwood"
"Only evidently you want him to be a Bane"
"Cat, I just broke up with him" Magnus said
"You did? I thought he must have broken up with you. Why the hell did you break up with him"
"It just wasn't working" Magnus turned away, but Caterina pulled him back
"Explain everything. I bet it could work if you tried"
"It won't work, there's no point in trying to save a dead man" Magnus mumbled, slumping on the couch
"Oh lighten up. Alec probably feels just the same as you, you just need to give him a chance"
"He will hate me now. And I'm his first relationship so now he'll hate love. What have I done?"
"Magnus, he'll only hate love if you show him that love is to be hated. Go and tell him you made a mistake and he'll probably take you back.
"Okay" Magnus sighed, getting up from the sofa, "I owe it to him"

Alec watched as his salty tears dripped onto the bed and soaked into the cheap grey sheets, turning them a darker tone. Why had Magnus broken up with him? Was it something he did? Or was it just his lack of experience coming out? Maybe Magnus wanted more than he could give?
"Alec?" Jace called through the keyhole
"What do you want?" He sniffled, wiping his eyes with his shirt sleeve
"I want to help. Can you talk about it?" Jace came in and put an arm around Alec's shoulders
"He...he b-broke up with me" Alec sobbed, burying his head in Jace's shoulder
"Why? Like, did you cheat on him or something?"
"No! I-I just guess I didn't really think about the consequences of just not talking"
"Sounds to me like he's in the wrong here" Jace started to get up, but a moment later he heard a scream coming from the corridor outside. they both leapt up, their seraph blades raised, to see a familiar figure coming in, rubbing a growing red welt on his wrist.
"Magnus?" Alec gawped. What was he doing here?

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