A Matter of life or death

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Magnus awoke to the warm rays of the sun filtering through his window. He tried to shut out the brightness and go back to sleep, but he was too much awake, so he sat up in his four poster bed, the gold satin sheets soft and warm, begging him to stay. He snapped his fingers and a tray with coffee and toast appeared on his bedside table, and only then did he permit himself to think. It all came back to him; Alexander, the stars, and the lack of glitter... wait what? He shook himself and got up.

Alec awoke to the violent shaking of Jace waking him up. He groaned, still groggy, and opened his sleep ridden eyes to see the clock already pointing to midday.
"Alec!" Izzy said, "There's a pack of Shax demons down at Taki's. Luke just called to say they're outnumbered and we need to go and assist them" Alec had jumped out of bed at the mention of demons, and by now he was already half dressed.
"And, by the way, you came home very late, you didn't do anything I wouldn't, did you?" his sister continued
"If by anything you wouldn't do, you mean not sleeping with them, yes" Alec had laced up his boots, and walked out the door, ready to go slaughtered demons.

As they reached the Chinese restaurant, it was evident there were a lot of demons. The wolves were fighting valiantly, but they were dropping like flies. Lucian came up to thank them for coming, but a Shax demon reared up behind him, its poisonous jaws open ready for the kill. As it pounced, Izzy flicked her whip and it vanished in a pool of ichor and burning flesh
"Thank you, Isabelle" Luke, gasped, starting to to transform into a wolf again and running back into the fray.
"His text said 'a little bit of a demon problem'" said Alec, staring around at the battle. As he watched, a wolf yelped and rolled at their feet, her eyes glazed over, body tentionless. She was dead.
"I think that is called sarcasm, big brother" Izzy said, flicking her whip and sending another demon back to hell.
"Well, we'd better get killing'" said Jace, a determined grimace spreading across his face, a strand of hair curling over his forehead.
Alec took out his bow and drew an arrow from his quiver aiming at a demon, which was about to rip through another wolf, and shot. As the wolf got up, he saw it was Maia Roberts, the vampire's girlfriend. At least he wouldn't have to explain anything to Clary. He was just aiming at another demon, when he heard Izzy cry out
"Behind you, Alec!" He whipped round, but not soon enough. The many legged demon brought down a black venomous claw on his shoulder, pain screaming through his arm, the wound turning a deep purple as he watched. Izzy screamed as the huge demon leant over him, ready to slice him to pieces, and blackness descended.

Izzy ran up the stairs to Magnus's apartment, very fast considering that she was wearing six inch heels, and knocked frantically on the door. Magnus opened it and smiled,
"Izzy! Anything I can do for you?" He was slightly surprised to see her here, but she was nice, so he gestured for her to come in.
"Yes. Alec was attacked..." Magnus froze. He suddenly felt dizzy and the rest of the sentence was a continuous buzzing sound.
"Are you listening, Magnus?" asked Isabelle, waving a hand in front of his face, "Alec was attacked by a Shax demon down at Taki's, he needs warlock help"
She had hardly finished her sentence, when Magnus pulled her into a portal and they arrived at the docks. The wolves had taken care of the last of the demons with Jace's help, and now all that remained of them was the bitter tang of venom and the occasional pool of acidic ichor.
"We brought him inside" Izzy informed him, making for the Chinese restaurant. Magnus followed her and when they got in, he could see Alec lying on a table, the huge purple wound starting to emit a foul smelling green foam. The warlock rushed to his side and blue sparks shot from his fingers.
"I need some ingredients from my apartment" he said, opening a portal and gesturing for Jace to go through. "Alsaphadite powder and Komodo scales. You will also need to bring a mixing beaker and the big blue spell book on the right hand shelf. There is a permanent portal in the mirror behind the sofa too" Jace disappeared through the sparkling door and Magnus turned his attention to Alec.
"Will he be okay?" asked Luke, who had come up to see if he could be of assistance.
"As long as the handsome one gets back in time" replied Magnus, looking uncharacteristically worried. "Otherwise...well" he hesitated "we don't want to think about that"

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