Chapter 17 | Pt. 2

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TW: Swearing, playful banter :D

Tommy pov:

Tommy sat on a bench near Puffy, wondering what exactly had just happened.

He didn't care though, he had used a mask so no one would know it was him. Well, at least they shouldn't.

Man, this pizza thing was tasty. I think its a bagel?

I opened up my phone, man, this is weird. Where are all of the communicators? Like we had them at home.

Does this universe not have them? Seems so. Comparing that there is a City literally named L'manburg, which is a ruined country -literally ruined, its exploded only one time but still in his world, Exploded.

Basically, Tommy was confused how this world and his own could be so similar yet so different at the same time. Like he get that they were in a world where powers were real, but still. Everything seemed so similar, except for the fact that dream was a hero. That homeless Teletubby was kind of evil the last time they met.

What? How could he not say he wasn't a homeless Teletubby? It was true, he had never seen Dream go into a building, there was nothing that dream really owned. Probably not even a bed! Seriously though, no one had ever seen Dream build a house, let alone live in one.

^ (This is not meant to be offensive btw. Just playful stuff/story book banter.) ^ (Just saying this for the people who will hate on this book because of this)

He'd have to look into that when he got back, he was probably a homeless green screen to be honest.

Welp, he should probably get moving. They had to come back later, and after that they would simply meet back with Vig and shit. Work out their living situation. They wouldn't be staying forever but they probably wouldn't be able to get back to their own worlds until at least a week has past.


Time skips brought to you by Fan Fic Skips! (Please make this an actually thing-) (By the way, I will use time skips now so its not time passing really quickly.)

Tommy's feet slightly ached, he shouldn't of gone the long way to the richer side of town. Seriously, turn out public transport is free, yet he still didn't use it. He regretted that. And to be honest, as he didn't use the free transport, he kind of deserved it.

Next to a park there seemed to be a posh TV shop, lots of people were littered around it. Obviously something interesting, like chaos? He went to look as well, wondering what everyone seemed to be hypnotised about.

On the screen, six people was fighting, Three Vs Three. Heroes Vs Villains it seemed. It was the Dream team Vs what people liked to call the SBI. Basically, Philza, Techno and Wilbur. What were their Professional names again?

Oh I remember. The green screen as katcher, which is weird, why with a K? George as 404, sounds like a sci-fi name. And Sapnap as Hellfire, cool. Those were the Hero's name. So now onto the Villains.

Philza as Watcher was it? seems cool. Can't believe some people were calling him death bird, like its cool and all. But Watcher sounds better. Plus, that's what he does. Watch people for no reason at all.

Wilbur as Siren. That's cool, but its obvious his power is a siren now. He just ruined the act of surprise. No more, 'Hey! What's your power? Probably' and then a surprise outburst. But now everyone knows. He could of had the upper hand-

Finally Techno as Hoglin. Cool name but might as just say that your death. Seriously, he could kill a city in a flash. He's got bloody super strength! At least the Heroes say that. For all they know he could just be really strong, (He is), yet be able to secretly fly! Cool name overall though.

Without noticing it, he had been thinking for more then twenty minutes until he heard an usually loud bang near him. It was too loud to be on the TVs. Its audio was not even turned half of the full audio sound!

He looked around, well, behind him now that he was snapped back to reality by the sound. Siren jumped back, avoiding Dream's Trident and bouncing it back with his own. He was done with fighting or being caught in one, why did this have to happen when he was here? Why not later- or earlier? Just why now when he was here?

Should he join the fight? Even though he didn't have powers unlike all the people in this world? Should he not? Should he throw a knife while everyone was distracted? Should he run? Should he-

"Everyone! Please go to a different part of the district, a battle is currently going on! It's not safe!" Hellfire yelled, obviously more concerned about the people than the fight that was currently going on. That was good in the fact that people would see him as more heroic for saving them. (For some reason) But also bad as the other Villains may join the new battle near them.

Oh well!


Before he knew it, he was running with the crowd. Not because he wanted to, he would of happily stayed in the shadows and watched, but because he had to. How is it going to look when one 'civilian' randomly stays. He would rather stayed, but the heroes were used to people just doing what they said.

He would eventually go ahead and do some weird Villain-y shit. But for now he didn't want to seem suspicious. Seriously though, he would rather watch the fight.


Where everyone is: Paint is in a Paint shop, College is at the park, Past is at Puffy's, Swap is in a crowd running from a battle.

Vig's whereabouts are a secret for now.

Author's rambling:

Hello! So uh, I did this on laptop so this didn't take as long as I hoped. But something I think I said was true. That we might need a part three. Well, just change that might to a definitely. Seriously, my motivation is not alive right now. I got distracted more than ten times so I'm surprised I even managed to do this little chapter.

What I said in the last part-thingy, was that I planed a 3000 words or more chapter. And I still plan on doing that. So now that I know that I can do this on a laptop, some chapters will be made faster than some others.

Thanks for reading this! And thank you for more than 3000 total views! That.. Is a very big number, You do not know how thankful I am! (Or you do, I really don't know-)

Also, I now do Time Skips. As I said earlier, this is so Time doesn't move like a speedboat. Really fast. Because when looking at part one of this, I noticed the running bit, basically the whole chapter felt like it was either in five minutes or what seemed to be an hour was squeezed into a five minute part. Seriously, I made it way too rushed.

Well! As I always say:

Have a good day, hopefully both. Drink water and try to get sleep!

Word count: 1221

Ps. I know I say this basically every chapter, but you people are awesome!

Ps #2. I am surprised, this seems really short, though its actually 1221 total words!

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