Chapter 1

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Third person pov:
Thunder loomed and the wind raged. The rain quickly pouring onto the sand of Tommy's beach in his exile. Dream stood infront of the young blonde boy. All the boy could hear were Dream's words and loud yelling. He couldn't understand what the other voices were saying, but It scared him. They were so loud. Suddenly lightning were about to hit him, he looked up in terror.

Tommy's pov:
I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart pounding. That nightmare again. I had been having that nightmare ever since I first got exiled. Though something was different, I had never heard those voices before... What were they? They were screaming In my head, words I didn't understand and that scared me.

Yeah act like we aren't here bro


Who is this kid again? I just woke up

Are you a blood god or somethin'?


Hmm, how did we get here?


Third person pov:
Tommy looked around, heavily confused. What the fuck was that? Or those? He couldn't see anyone who could of said that, he thought he was going crazy until yet again:

Bro, acknowledge us.


Wait are you in exile? Your Theseous then!


Can everyone be quiet? I'm trying to fall back asleep..

Oh your Theseous?

Hi Theseous!

Oh your in exile?


"Who are you?" Tommy asked, a little frightened at the sudden increase in noise.

Voices? I don't know.




You forgot the revenge part.. Zz..

We are voices in your head. You stupid or something?

I don't really know.



Tommy stood in his tent confused, why were he getting these random voices? He never knew you could randomly get them, or that they randomly pop up in your head. He had never really heard anyone talk about getting voices, though he wouldn't of.
I'm Tommy, someone who no one trusts.
He thought. He would go find Phil, but that would be a risk as Dream came at the same time everyday. Always expecting Tommy to put his stuff in a hole, just to blow it up. Suddenly he got the perfect idea. Fake his death.

He knew it sound crazy, but if he wanted to visit Phil without getting hunted down by dream. He would had to. His plan was:
1. Find the secret name tag he hid below his tent.
2. Find an animal/mob.
3. Name the mob 'Tommy' with the name tag.
4. Bring the named mob to the nether.
5. Push it into lava.
6. Wait for it to say 'Tommy burned in lava' as it counts pet/named mob deaths.
7. Relax easy and change your appearance.

Plus visit Phil of course. It was the perfect plan. So he did as just that. It was kinda hard as 'his' new voices wouldn't shut up. But he didn't pay too much attention to them, as by the time he stopped; dream would be there asking for his stuff to be dropped in a hole.
That green homeless teletubbie prick..
Thinks he can control me? I'll rest easy to show him. No.. I'll blow up L'manburg. That'll show him, and tubs... everyone!
The voices raged in cheers and happiness to this idea. Tommy was happy that someone else liked the idea; even it was really just himself making up them. (The voices).





I agree.

Your going to blow up L'manburg? Well, I guess it's your choice.

Wait your blowing it up? I wish I could help!

Voices and villain innit.

Tommy pov:
I had got all the stuff I needed, and brang the named mob into the nether. I hesitated. Was I really about to do this? Finish my exile and become a Villian? I shook my head up and down. I was, and I was going to get revenge on everyone who wronged me. I remembered about Techno's statement, the one Phil told me.

"Those who treat me with kindness, I shall repay that kindness a thousand times on.
But those who treated me with injustice, hurt my friends! I will repay that injustice a thousand times more."
I smirked. I would become the villain, and repay the injustice a thousand times more.

I shoved the mob off the ledge and started laughing, maniacally, it was finally my turn to play the Villian. I watched it burn into a great flame.

"'Tommyinnit' burned in lava."

Voices [ Discontinued unless Further notice ]Where stories live. Discover now