Chapter 14

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P‽ Tommy pov:

"WATCH OUT!" I yelled as a group of people stood below me.
They looked up, shocked.

To be honest, if I were them, I would feel the same shock. Its not everyday a person falls from the sky.



Ten minutes ago...

My paintbrush glided across the blank canvas, the blue paint I got from Wilbur a while ago turns out to be a lovely blue.

He gave it to me while in his 'ghost' phase. I have to admit, the way he dressed was cool. Although don't tell him I said that.

I dipped my brush in water, dried it and plopped it into a red splodge of paint. It was a maroon red.

The blue I had just finished using was a slightly deeper aqua. It looked beautiful.

Though, to him, any colour looked beautiful. Stunning, amazing, brilliant.
Just anything that described, 'Wonderful'.

By the time this thought had ended in his mind, the painting was done. He sat up and stood back, his work was done.

It was a painting of what he thought Puffy's cafe would look like. Well, if she had one.

It had a big sign, it was a cloud with two ram horns. Then in soft rainbow pastels, was the name 'Puffy's'.

It looked very pleasing, the outside had plants placed wherever they could fit.

He liked what he had thought of. He was pleased with his work, Phil was bound to be proud.

He had incouraged him, (Phil incouraged The painter) so he liked when he tried.

He was about to pack up and go down for food, as he had woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. So you can tell he was pretty hungry.

Suddenly he blacked out. Then next thing he knew, he was in the air with only his apron with a ridiculous amount of paint splodges.

And a singular paintbrush with a maroon colour and hints of slightly-darker aqua that he couldn't wash off.

Basically, not good.

He then noticed three people below him- wait, BELOW HIM-

"WATCH OUT!" He called as a group of people stood below him.




"Oof-!" I said as I fell on top of the small group below me. They obviously either didn't hear me, or just didn't care.

"Another one?" Vig turned to look at the recently fallen boy.
"Seems so" Swap replied. They just shrugged and then Vig began to say something.

"Well, Hello! I'm Vig, who are you? Well, your nickname," The tallest one asked me, lending me his hand.

"Oh! Thanks, sorry about that- I'm Paint if your talking about nicknames!" I replied, scratching my head. It was sore from the random landing.

"Well nice to meet you paint!" He answered back, giving me a small wave.
"The other two are Swap and Past. I'm Vig!"

He seemed bright and energetic while the other two were quiet. However, they all seemed to be some what confused.

"Hey, do you know how to get back? I was admiring a painting a literally just completed," I asked.

"Sorry mate," Past replied," But me and Swap have the same problem. We were also teleported somehow,".

"What about getting food?" Swap complained.
"Oh yeah! We were just about to get some food when you fell on top of us. Would you like to join us?" Vig asked.

"Sure, I was about to get some actually!" I answered the question quickly.

We walked into Puffy's, there was loads of people. We must of missed the rush hour for this place. Or at least one of them.

There were so many pastries, so many goodies! Then it hit me.
This was just like the cafe I just painted, the sign and everything.

Then I was snapped out of that thought as I had been asked something. Then I remembered we were ordering food.

"What about you?" Puffy asked.
"I'll take an espresso and the pancakes with berries and cream, please" I replied.

"Is that all everything?" She said.
"Yep!" Vig answered.

He paid and once everything was made we sat down outside, there was a wooden side piece covering us from the rain.

It was decorated with plants and yellow fairy lights. A fence surrounded the area, a bush then surrounding that.

A radio was also there, playing what seemed to be a lofi playlist. It was a cozy area overall.

He looked at his meal, man, this was going to be a nice breakfast.


Swap Tommy wondered what was happening while he was gone, however he could only find out when he returned.

When that'd be? Fuck knows.


Author's Rambling
Hello! We are so close to reaching 1,000 total views, its amazing! I am so happy that you guys are enjoying, and that my goal of the total views has almost been reached. I can't believe this, sorry I'm just so happy.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I think the story is now less random? Who knows.

Have a good day or night, hopefully both. Drink lots of water and try to get sleep.

Bye everyone!

Word count: 987


Thanks to these two people for sticking with me since the very start. (Or very close to it/close to it)


Also, some more people who I support.

(More people will be mentioned next chapter, so don't worry if your not here!)


That is all for now, however I am planning to do thus every chapter so if you will be included next time if you aren't here.

Thank you, so So SO much for almost 1000 total views. I cannot even begin to explain how happy I am.

All I can really say is thank you, the lovely reader and that I've, we've come so far. So really, thank you so much.

(Ty you guys are the absolute best ppl.)

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