Chapter 1

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This is my first ever fan-fiction so if you don't like it please tell me what you don't like about it so i can try my best to fix it.


Thank you and enjoy the story!!!

_______________________ Your POV________________________________

(y/n)!! your friends shouts as you and your three friends are running desperately to get away from the enemies. That was when you and your three friends run into a dead end.

"Dammit!!!" your shout. "I guess I have no other choice." you mumble to yourself.

You stare at your three friends and they nod in unison. you began chanting a spell. After completing the spell a portal began to open and your three friends were the first to go in. However, as you were beginning to enter the portal you heard a loud bang and then blood beginning to cover your side.

"Shit." you say to yourself as you begin to fall into the portal gradually losing consciousness.

___________________________Levi's POV____________________________

"tch, these damn titans are everywhere." Levi states as he slices the nape of yet another titan.

As he goes for the last titan a weird looking rip begins to appear in the sky. As he stares at it something falls out. He then realizes that it looks to be a person.

As he hears people shouting about what the hell just happens he begins to maneuver over there with his 3DMG he then sees that the person is standing and behind them the last titan which happens to be a 20 meter class.

"Oi! Dumbass watch ou-" However before he even finishes his sentence the person summons a sword and bringing it upwards. After a few seconds the titan is sliced perfectly in half ending the miserable monster's life.

He just stands there a few feet away dumbfounded by what he just saw. After what seemed like minutes go by the mysterious person begins walking very unsteadily his way. Levi however, stands on guard watching as they make their way over he realizes that the mysterious person is in fact female. She is wearing a long black trench coat and black finger-less leather gloves and a fedora type hat that is grey with a black lacing that goes around it . She is also wearing black boots that go a bit over her calves. She has (H/L) (H/C) hair and she looks up to reveal her (E/C) eyes. As she nears Levi all she is able to say is "I have to find them." Before she collapses. 

Levi takes a closer look to see that she is bleeding profusely on her side.

"Oi! Somebody get a medic over here someone's hurt" Levi shouts as everyone scurries to help this mysterious women.

As everyone is busy moving around Levi thinks to himself just who the hell is this person.


So tell me what you think about the fist chapter.

Again this is my first time writing a Fan-fiction so I don't really know if it's good or not.

I would really appreciate if you would tell me.

And thank you very much for reading.

So I'll see you in the next chapter!!!

BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now